Tabasco Sauce for Sore Throat

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B (Celebration, F) on 05/08/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Amazingly, this stuff works. If you can handle the heat that is. I did what another post advised and slid the teaspoon to the back of my tongue and tipped it down, swallowing. It was a bit rough because of the scratchy throat, but I was already in pain anyway (this was a better type of pain for me). I had tried high doses of naproxen, ibuprofen, tylenol, and aspirin, throat drops too. Nothing worked. In a few minutes after taking the Tobasco I could speak without making a horrible face (it hurt to talk). I had also been up 2 nights in a row because it hurt to swallow. I was able to finally get some sleep. It works!
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Kjalvalr Helvetesokeren (Afjord, Norge) on 04/20/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Tabasco Sauce cured my sore Throat. I had not had it for long, less than a Day, but usually my sore Throats don't last until I wake up. So, not wanting to take any Pills, I looked up natural Cures for a sore Throat and was led to this Site. I decided to use the tabasco Sauce, since I knew that Item to be on Hand. Unfortunately, I didn't get the Teaspoon all the Way to beyond my Tongue, so some of my Mouth is in Pain from the Capsaicin, but my sore Throat is completely gone.
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Rochellef (Oconomowoc, WI) on 03/04/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks to your site, as I'd been suffering from an increasingly worstening sore throat and associated nasal congestion. After ready some testimonials, I mixed up a solution of 1/2 teaspoon of tabasco with one cup of warm water. I gargled with it, while swollowing a small amount in the end of each round. After just 4 gargles and about 3 minutes my throat was soothed while the inflamation in my nasal passage cleared. The nasal congestion returned but was the severity was lessoned and I felt quite a bit better! Thanks to homeapothy....a bit of God's wisdom passed on through tradition and good people keeping it alive!
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Audrey (Minneapolis, MN) on 03/02/2008
5 out of 5 stars

my throat has been sore for two days and i'm starting to lose my voice, so i tried the tobasco and honey in hot water, within 5 minutes my throat felt much better! i just put about five drops of tobasco and a drop of honey in some hot tap water.
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Justin (Suwanee, GA) on 02/26/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I didn't think that any of these remedies would help much but I figured what the hell. I woke up around 3 AM and couldn't go back to sleep because of my itchy and sore throat so I hopped on the web and found this place. I didn't have any cayenne so I just poured some Tobasco sauce straight into the back of my throat. It burned like crazy at first and I had to take a sip of water, but my throat immediately felt better. I followed that up by gargling some hot water mixed with a teaspoon full of Tobasco sauce. It relieved my throat long enough for me to fall back asleep.
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Kate (Fort St John, British Columbia) on 02/04/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I've had a sore throat for 2 days now and today it was the worst it's been. Felt like I swallowed a few razor blades, so did an internet search for rememdies and here I am. Read through the posts and although I do have cayenne pepper in the pantry, it didn't sound too pleasant to gargle it and drink in a tea. So I tried a shot of tobasco sauce ( I wouldn't recomend this if you can't handle hot/spicy foods very well.) I followed the shot with a rather large glass of milk to sooth, and it's been 5 hours now and my throat feels so much better. It's still sore, but not razorblade painful. I think I'll try another shot tonight before bed and see how it goes.
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Dave (Missoula, Montana) on 02/04/2008
5 out of 5 stars

4 Teaspoons of Tabasco relieved 55% of my sore throat pain in under 1 hour. I looked at all the remedies and didn't want to try Apple Cider Vinegar. I have been sipping Hot honey tea for days and have the worst razor cutting sore throat ever. It gets much worse when I wake up in the morning, so I just put four teaspoons of straight tabasco down the hatch and my throat is 55-65% better right now. Slide the spoon past your tongue so it goes right to the throat. I took 4 teaspoons full tabasco five minutes apart, then gargled with 1 tablespoon of cayenne, 1 teaspoon of tabasco, warm water and lemon juice-which also helped. I am not cured yet, but the pain is cut in half! Thank you all for posting on this site, thank God I found it because i DESPISE gargling with forsaken warm salt water-I hate salt!
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Sophia (MU, USA) on 01/19/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I heard about the Tabasco thing and tried it becuase my throat was hurting for 4 days and I was sick of it! No medicine would work for me..So as I said I tried Tabasco..Heres the thing I just took a little sip of it out of the bottle and I just HAD to take a drink of water and after I was done drinking I was like O MY GOD! My sore throat was all gone and my nostrils wernt clogged I felt like a new person! It even settles stomachs! I know it sounds weird u would think it would give you heart burn but it didnt. just a sip thought i'm not saying drink it! Anyways, Try it. It works like a charm!
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Gina (Baltimore, Marland) on 01/17/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I started getting a sore throat yesterday, and like i always do, i slept with a halls in my mouth. It got worse today and nothing soothed it. So I googled sore throat remedies and came to this site. I didn't have the honey, so I decided to do the tobasco. I poured tobasco on a hotdog (which just so happened to be hot wing flavor) and a little apple cider. The first bite was hell in my mouth. It burned back in my ears. I have completed the hot dog, my nose is incredibly runny, my mouth is on fire, but my sore throat feels better- maybe I burned off all the nerves!
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Sarah (Wollongong, Australia) on 01/11/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Have had a sore throat for over a week, tried everything except antibiotics. Looked on the net for home remedies for a sore throat. O my god, i had tabasco in everything even coffee. Starting to feel a whole lot better.
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