Tabasco Sauce for Sore Throat

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Alexis (Old Greenwich, Ct) on 05/11/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Well hello everyone i have just try the hot sauce remedy and it improve my sore throat condition greatly i will said some like 80% may be it doesnt cure it but it definetelly make you feel way better am still have the burning sensation but it was definetelly worth it take all
REPLY   4      

Teigs (Qld, Australia) on 12/07/2007
4 out of 5 stars

i don't have any of that Cayenne stuff but i did have the tobasco because i like hot things. anyway last night i was going to bed and i could feel a cold coming on. i had some medicine and i went to bed hoping that by morning it would be gone. three friends are coming over for a christmas party and i have done everything to get it. then finally mum and dad said yes. and then i came down with this. i woke up this morning and it had only gotten worse and i had a stuffy nose. i hated to swallow. i got up and typed in home remedies for a sore throat into google and it came up with this site. i had never heard of Cayenne and it took me a few stories to realise what it was. and then i got the tobasco sauce and added drops to my already made honey, lemon hot water and i sipped it and then gargled it and sipped it again. it is very tasty. my friends are coming at 2pm and it is now 8:01am so i hope it cures fast. p.s if anyone has any faster moving remedies please tell us.