Zinc Sulfate for Skin Tags

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Cdawson (Sc) on 08/25/2017
5 out of 5 stars

When my son had a wart that wouldn't go away through over the counter meds and then freezing, I went to a dermatologist. She suggested Zinc Sulfate. In two day his wart of 4 years was gone. I began taking the supplement to see if it would boost my immunity, I have Crohns and Arthritis. A surprise! After a few weeks, the several skin tags around my eyes were gone!!! I looked one day, and they were not there!!! I continue to take this supplement because skin tags run rampent in my family. I do have one very tiny one on my eyelids that is not noticable unless you really look and I'm wearing eyeliner. Zinc Sulfate tablets have worked for me!!!