Natural Skin Tag Removal: 7 Home Remedies for Skin Tags

Modified on Mar 31, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

Apple Cider Vinegar

Skin tags are common yet often overlooked skin issues that can mar the smooth texture we all yearn for. These benign and harmless skin growths can emerge in various body parts, such as the neck, eyelids, or more sensitive regions. This guide will introduce you to a range of effective home remedies for skin tags, offering solutions regardless of where these unsightly bumps might appear.

What Are Skin Tags?

Understanding skin tags is crucial before diving into home-based skin tag removal options. Also known as acrochordons, skin tags are tiny, soft protrusions sprouting from your skin. They are usually skin-colored or a tad darker and remain connected to the skin via a thin stalk. Skin tag causes typically involve skin friction against skin or clothing, making them prevalent in areas like the neck, armpits, groin, and on sensitive skin near the anus.

Effective Home Remedies for Skin Tags

If you prefer a natural skin tag treatment before considering medical procedures, these efficacious home remedies can be your go-to:


Iodine is the most popular remedy on Earth Clinic in the natural skin tag treatment toolbox. Iodine, an element essential for our health, is also a versatile solution for skin conditions, including skin tags.

To use iodine for skin tag removal, you must first protect the surrounding skin, as iodine can be harsh. You can apply a little coconut oil or petroleum jelly around the skin tag. Once the surrounding skin is protected, apply a drop or two of liquid iodine onto the skin tag using a Q-tip. After applying, cover the area with a bandage.

The iodine breaks down the skin cells and causes the skin tag to fall off safely over time. This process typically must be repeated daily until the skin tag falls off, which can take a few days or weeks.

Remember to test a small amount of iodine on your skin before applying it to the skin tag, as some people may be allergic to iodine. Also, it's important to note that while iodine is a potent natural skin tag treatment, it should never be ingested or used on skin tags near the eyes. Always consult a healthcare professional if you're uncertain or the skin tag does not improve with home treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is a naturally acidic liquid. The acid in apple cider vinegar breaks down the excess cells in the skin tag and naturally removes them. Apply a small dab of vinegar to your skin tag with a cotton swab. Apply the vinegar daily for two to four weeks to eliminate the tags.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an active ingredient in several skin treatments. It helps naturally dry and tighten the skin. Begin by cleansing your skin with water, then add three drops of tea tree oil to a water-soaked cotton ball. Apply the oil to your tag in a circular motion. Apply the oil 1-2 times a day for a week to 10 days, and you should be tag free.

Vitamin E 

A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E oil can contribute to skin health and be an effective natural skin tag treatment. Directly apply the oil to the skin tag and cover it with a bandage.

Using a String 

Another effective and popular home remedy on Earth Clinic for skin tags involves tying a string or dental floss around the base of the skin tag. This method, also known as ligation, cuts off the blood supply to the skin tag.

You will need a clean string or dental floss to do this. Tie it tightly around the base of the skin tag, as close to the skin as possible. Leave the string in place, and the skin tag should darken and eventually fall off on its own after a few days due to a lack of blood supply.

This method is often effective but may cause discomfort, especially if the skin tag is sensitive. It's also important to monitor the skin tag and the skin around it for any signs of infection. If you notice redness, swelling, or pus, it's essential to seek medical attention.


An age-old home remedy for various conditions due to its antimicrobial properties. To use garlic for skin tag removal, crush a clove, extract its juice, apply it to the skin tag, and cover it with a bandage overnight.

Banana Peel

An unconventional but effective remedy for reducing skin tags. Place a small piece of the peel on the tag and secure it with a bandage overnight.


While these treatments are effective, they aren’t immediate. Be persistent with your treatment, and you’ll eliminate pesky skin tags quickly.

Continue reading below to find out what worked best for our readers, and let us know which remedy worked for you!

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List of Remedies for Skin Tags