Hydrogen Peroxide for Skin Tags

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ChurpyBurd (Malaga, Spain) on 07/10/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I had a couple of tags on my neck making me look like an old woman. Giving them a firm rub with a QTip soaked in H2O2 caused them to foam up and open up. Not going to say it was comfortable - stung quite a bit - but repeat applications for a week dried them out and they scabbed up and fell off.

Going to try ACV and bandaid on less visible ones on my abdomen.

Five stars for effect - no scarring. But I think probably clipping them would be just as painful and probably shorter duration process.

REPLY   4      

Pd (Oregon, US) on 08/13/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I am 62 and a skin tag / mole popped up on my right shoulder out of the blue --- so I had my husband ruff it up with a emery board -- just slightly and then put a drop of hydrogen peroxide on it and within doing this for a week --- IT IS GONE ---- easy and no surgery --
REPLY   2      

Maria (Silver Spring, Usa) on 12/15/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Hydrogen Peroxide and nail polish for skin tag: My husband had an ugly skin tag close to his eye. He used hydrogen peroxide for about two weeks and it started to dry out. Then he got very impatient and wanted to have it surgically removed. I told him to continue with the Peroxide, which he did for another week.

Then he said it was not drying fast enough. So I advised him to use nail polish. He painted the tag with it, going under it also. In five days the tag fell. He was so happy, and marveled about how the peroxide and polish had worked and there was no scar or mark whatsoever. He is telling all his high flying friends what happened.

REPLY   1      

Glenn (Rohnert Park,CA) on 03/31/2007
5 out of 5 stars

A nevus is little black pigmented spot on the skin, sometimes called a beauty spot. Mine was flat, about 6-7 mm in diameter and near my neck and slightly elevated. It's been there for probably 20 years.

I dipped a q-tip in 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide and applied it to the nevus only for a few seconds and then mopped the excess with the dry end of the q-tip. It burned a little, especially on later applications. I applied liquid vitamin A a few minutes afterwards to decrease the burning and promote healing. I did 3-4 applications over a period of a week. It fell off completely after a week and has not returned. My wife was very impressed. I'm not recommended this approach, but simply reporting my personal experiment. I've been experimenting with Bill Munro's inhaling approach for a little over a week. It appears to be working well. My energy has just about doubled and I'm breathing much better at night.