Red Wine Vinegar for Sinus Infections

5 star (1) 

Dolly (Melbourne, Vic, AU) on 03/22/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I went to the doctors re severe sinusitis becoming a bronchitis infection 3 weeks ago and got a cocktail of antibiotics. Recently got results of blood tests which showed I had a virus which of course antibiotics don't treat, doctor had nothing to give me for it. Don't know if it was the virus symptoms plus after effects of penicillin antibiotics. Last night my gland engorgement and bloating in stomach and pain in upper abdomen, swelling in neck and kidney with pain, had got severe I looked like I was in advanced pregnancy! There was another episode where my face and neck swelled in the night. Out of frustration and desperation to find a cure found this web site, (and because I didn't have any ACV, drank some red wine vinegar in water, and periodically cleaned my sinus's with FESS sinu-cleanse can, (contains salt). This morning everything is nearly back to normal. Is it possible that the properties in ACV are the same in all vinegars? My stomach bloating has gone down, sinusitis relieved, kidney pain usually intense in morning down) throat glands are no longer strangling me.

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