Quercetin, Bromelain for Sinus Infections

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Maria L. (UK) on 01/19/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

I agree, the Quercetin with Bromelain combo helped me with my sinus infection, it was not until I decided to take this combination that my sinus infection started to finally go away, I had a very nasty infection that was hurting my ears as well, my head felt like an Air Balloon and had dizzy spells, loud tinnitus and vertigo. I recommend this along with ACV and Honey (I would drink 2 tablespoons, lukewarm water and also would do some gargles as well) also add Oil of Oregano if you can which is anti viral and gives extra punch to the Quercetin. The Quercetin/Bromelain really reduced the inflammation, I used a formula which has both plus vitamin C and other stuff, it is a bit expensive like 18 bucks but worth it in my opinion. In less than 2 days I was basically cured.
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Lilianne (Corona, California) on 08/14/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Just had to let people know about this supplement. I've had a chronic sinus infection for 3 weeks now. First I went to the doctor and got the usual antibiotics and was told to take zyrtec-d. After 10 days I felt no relief. My head, cheeks and jaw were pounding from the pressure. I started doing sinus rinses, acv, and purchased nature's rite sinus relief. After 5 days, I felt some relief but I still had pressure and lots of mucous coming out. I bought quercetin-bromelain from the vitamin shoppe for $25 because the worker said it worked really well so I figured why not? Omg, within the first half hour, I started breathing through my nose, my sense of smell was coming back, no mucous was coming out and absolutely no pressure. I was in heaven. Gonna take this on a daily basis. Did some research and it looks like this stuff is good for a whole bunch of other stuff. I can finally sleep at night!!
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