Oregano Oil for Sinus Infections

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Showing Side Effects Reviews

Sylbill (Oh) on 02/13/2017
0 out of 5 stars

I could not take one sip of oregano oil & warm water, too strong, burnt my mouth. I spit it out.
REPLY   6      

Randahl (San Jose, California) on 04/10/2008
0 out of 5 stars


For those looking to use Oil of Oregano for it's antimicrobial properties, I would like to specify that Oil of Oregano is NOT Oregano Essential oil, which would have to be diluted. If you're looking to buy this remedy, make sure that the ingredients list states that there is a carrier oil (like olive oil). Otherwise, be prepared to dilute it yourself, or there could be serious negative effects.

I have seen some people writing in remedies that include putting undiluted essential oils on their skin. I think I saw a remedy for headaches or migraines that recommended putting peppermint essential oil on the temples. I have been studying aromatherapy for 5 years, and one of the most basic lessons is that you almost NEVER use essential oils undiluted. Peppermint essential oil in particular is considered to be a skin irritant to all skin types when used undiluted. If put on the temples, the strength of the fumes could seriously irritate the eyes and the delicate area around the eye. If you are going to try any remedy including essential oils, DILUTE FIRST! Even if the remedy doesn't specify it, you'll be saving yourself from possible complications.

REPLY   15      

Riya (Bangalore, India) on 03/30/2008
0 out of 5 stars

I read about the remedy oil of oregano and purchased it from an online seller last year. This is really powerful stuff and I've been using it for my son's recurring viral infections with dramatic results. However, the oil actually made my sinus infection much worse. I thought the severity of my symptoms warranted around 8 drops a day under my tongue every 3-4 hours and continued the dose for 4 days. Every day I experienced a worsening of symptoms including asthma and stuffed nose with thick greenish-yellow discharge of mucous. I believe the oregano was responsible for it firstly, because the symptoms eased off when I stopped it and second, I read somewhere that yeast infections are typically exacerbated with good bacteria die-offs which is probably what the oregano was doing in those big doses. I wasn't eating enough yoghurt to compensate either. Just a note to everyone out there to be careful with overdoing the oregano oil. I'm doing far better with 2 cloves of garlic 5-6 times a day, lots of water, the homeopathic remedy arsenicum album 30X every 2-3 hours, and drastic reduction of refined carbs in my diet.