Grapefruit Seed Extract, Sea Salt for Sinus Infections

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Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tenn.) on 01/23/2011
5 out of 5 stars

 I have been spraying my nostrils for the last 3 years with a concoction of sea salt, baking soda and GSE that I make myself. Take 1/3 glass of warm water, Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 tsp of baking soda and 8 drops of GSE. Stir , allow to cool and pour the clear portion into your sprayer. This keeps my nostrils open, but it has not dried up my sinus, which I guess is a good thing. If you look at any animal they all have nasal drainage. It seems that is just natural. What you don't want is for your sinus to dry up with no flow.
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Katie (Camano Island, WA) on 06/16/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have had two severe sinus infection flare ups over the last two months. The post nasal drip from this infection has caused me to have SEVERE laringitis, so severe that i could not talk at all. As if my vocal cords were completely gone. I could only use sign language and even whispering hurt my throat and head. Has anyone ever had this problem? I have looked everywhere on the internet and have not found one story of laringitis caused by a sinus infection. I am using 13 drops of GSE and 1/8 tsp. of sea salt mixed in 3/4 cup warm water. i use a full eye dropper, tilt my head back and squirt it up both nostrils. Then i quickly plug my nose and put my head down between my legs. I plug one nostril and gently breath in through the other. Doing the same with the other nostril and back and forth for about 1 minute. When i first started doing this, the pressure in my sinus was almost unbearable. But now on my 5th day of doing this about 3-5 times a day, the pressure is gone. I still have laringitis but it is not lasting as long as my first bout with this infection. I am also starting the ACV drink. If anyone has had this Laringitis trouble, please let me know. I was completely mute for 3 days!!!