Cinnamon, Clove and Oregano Oils for Sinus Infections

5 star (2) 

Albellha (Stonewall, MS) on 04/26/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been sick with allergies for 3 weeks, it went into bronchitis, clogged head and raw throat. I took antibiotics and other assorted medicine, the latest to help calm down my cough. Nothing seemed to work.

I did a search on Earth Clinic and found your letter. I only had the oregano essential oil, but I had powdered cinnamon and a bottle of cloves. I put in a tablespoon of cinnamon, about 20 cloves and one drop of Oregano Essential oil. I boiled it on the stove until it blended and then inhaled it for a few minutes.

My cough stopped almost immediately. When it came back I went and inhaled more. Cough left again. This works 100 times better than the cough medicine my physician gave me. Thanks so much.

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Ellen (Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Currently livin) on 01/07/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Essential Oil Inhalation cure for Bronchitis, Sinus Infections, Pneumonia

I regularly get sinus infections due to a deformity in one of my sinuses. Until a few years ago when I found this cure I had regular bronchitis and lastly in 2005 I had serious pneumonia. I opted out of health insurance years ago so I had to take responsibility for my own health.
I got onto one of those $39.95 sites with the magical cure but this one WORKED! So here it is for all of you.

The following essential oils are 89% antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal. Cinnamon, Clove and Oregano. First, get the best quality you can.

These oils work magic together BUT, you can use just one or a combo of two if that is all you can get. Put 2-3 drops of each oil in a steamer or a steaming pan of water. BE CAREFUL NOT TO GET THE OILS ON YOUR SKIN...They burn. Cinnamon and Clove burn. (Cinnamon Oil is the main ingredient of all those lip plumpers :-) Now, inhale the steam with your eyes closed and take it in as deeply as you possibly can, breathing through the nose and the mouth alternately. When I did this with my pneumonia, I felt a kind of crack in my lungs after three or four breaths and everything started to come loose. I coughed up all the guck and was completely well in 5 days. I was so sick that I had bruised my ribs from the coughing and I was very, very weak. Now at the first sign of anything respiratory, I do this. I have never had a reoccurence of bronchitis or pneumonia and very seldom get any sinus trouble anymore. How happy I am that we can all share these wonderful old rememdies with each other! Thanks to this site and all of you.

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