Reader Feedback for Artificial Sweeteners

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Paige (AR) on 01/04/2023
0 out of 5 stars

Aspartame is toxic poison it just be banned. Class action is needed.

I am new here, I found info on aspartame, this stuff needs to be banned. My child had been drinking these sugar free bubble drinks for a month or more now, more than he should have. He started having serous sickness. It mimicked severe anxiety and ocd type tics. I don't know how else to explain it. I have been horrified. Everyday the last 2 weeks trying to understand what it is and why. I finally put it together. When I looked at the back of the box on these carbonated water drinks it's all aspartame. The symptoms made it all clear. This stuff is toxic poison. I am considering filing a law suit.

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Connie (Al) on 05/02/2018
0 out of 5 stars

I had years of sickness all the symptoms I had. Finally found out what was causing it. Been off Aspartame for 2 years. I drink veg smoothies in the morning and lots of water. I have been drinking some diet Pepsi because they took out the Aspartame was doing good then I started the symptoms again but this time it is worse. Doctors couldn't figure it out. I don't know if I will survive this. I looked at the Pepsi bottle and it said Aspartame. I never heard they were changing it back. I can't drink one swallow of aspartame and here I didn't know I was drinking it. They are killing people. It has got to stop.

Jd (Houston, Texas) on 05/18/2017
0 out of 5 stars

Here's my experience with Aspartame use. I drank 3 diet cokes a day for over 10 years. I began having pain behind my eyes, blood sugar crashes, tingling in my fingers, flashes of light in my eyes, with worse vision. I had a blood test and there was nothing unsual. After reading about Diet Cokes and Aspartame I quit all diet drinks, that was a month ago. I had 2 weeks of horrible withdrawal finally all the bad symptoms are now gone. Its all about Sales and making money with no regard for consumers it seems with Aspartame. I will NEVER drink a Diet drink again.
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Becky (Rienzi, Ms) on 11/09/2016
0 out of 5 stars

I'm a 61 year old wife, mother, and grandmother. I've been on a very successful weight loss program this year losing 35 lbs. my goal being 40 lbs. I stick to all natural as best to my knowledge. About 3 months ago I was introduced to these small tubular packets of powder and bottles of water enhancer drops. They were so convenient I didn't bother looking at the ingredient label. About 4 weeks ago I noticed slight pain in my upper body. This pain progressed to the point I couldn't lift my arms. I went to my doctor yesterday and he was completely puzzled. He's secluded me for an MRI. After leaving his office I stopped by a local store and the cashier told me the same thing happened to her dad when he started drinking Diet COKE. She said he stooped the cokes and the symptoms went away. To make a long story shorter, I've been off the artificial sweetener just over 24 and the pain is "GONE"!!! I've called the doctor, canceled the MRI and thanking God for sending me to that little cashier with the answer to my problem!!

Folks read your labels and pay attention to what you put in your mouth...

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Lyndee (Clinton Township) on 09/13/2015
0 out of 5 stars


I never ate yogurt but tried the fat free/low fat. Pretty soon I was ordering 2 cases per week. Then would also buy gogurt. I ate nothing else. I would even eat them in my sleep. I went from 135 lbs to 230lbs in about a year. I stopped buying it and even with no exercise and a small amount of protein I lost 110lbs in 6 months. The addiction is real.


Deb (Redwood Park, South Australia) on 01/28/2015
0 out of 5 stars

Hi everyone, just to let you know of my experience with aspartane.....I like a cigarette every now and again and have a fear of bad breath, so I was eating 2 boxes of eclipse mints a day for symptoms well that's epic in itself. They thought I had diabetes, virtigo, numbness of left side of my face affecting top lip, gums and teeth, under my eye, etc. etc. etc. I don't think I need to go on, but I'm not well.......HELP......I frequently go to the chiro, and have constant acupuncture; any other suggestions?

Carol Waters (Kannapolis Nc) on 12/12/2014
0 out of 5 stars

I drank Crystal Light exclusively for about 3 years and the more I drank it the more I wanted. I drank about 10 glasses a day. When I saw a video about Aspartame including some of the symptoms of it (like severe joint pain) I quit cold turkey. My knees used to hurt so badly that when I stood up I couldn't walk right away. I had to stand for a few seconds before I could walk, and I was in my early 40's! My vision had also diminished significantly during those 3 years, etc. I decided to quit all at once and I never thought I'd have immediate and disturbing and scary side effects from stopping. My hands and fingers felt like they were extremely swollen and I couldn't close them. I couldn't do normal things like grasp a zipper or even had problems picking up and changing my young kids. I had vertigo so badly that I could not get up and had to call my husband to come home from work. I had severe anxiety an nausea. I never ever go to the doctor, but during that first week off Aspartame I went to the doctor (I think they thought I was crazy) and the ER. These symptoms have never before or sense ever happened to me. I was "coming off of" the chemical Aspartame and it was slamming my body.

Alison (Dallas, Texas) on 04/12/2013
0 out of 5 stars

I'm a chronic gum chewer and Coke Zero drinker or I can now say I WAS since I kicked those a few days ago. I'm having muscle twitches and extreme fatigue so far. After reading the above comments I guess I can expect to feel that for the next 55 days? Great! It will be worth it though. After only 5 days I haven't needed to sleep with my humidifier and my husband said I haven't snored the last two nights! I'm looking forward to feeling better and better each day. For those looking for healthier alternatives to make detoxing from aspartame easier I have switched from Orbit gum to Pr gum which is aspartame free. I switched to Zevia diet soda which is sweetened with stevia and it is better than I thought it would be. Amazon offers a rainbow pack where they send a case that includes 2 cans of every flavor they offer. I now use monk fruit sweetener to sweeten my coffee in the morning. The only other sugar free item I used sometimes was sugar free maple syrup. From now on I will just use regular maple syrup. This has made my transition easier even though the detox side effects have been rough. Reading the posts here was very helpful as I thought I was getting some form of facial bells palsy with the muscle twitches on one side of my chin! ?! Crazy that one chemical can reek havoc on your system and the FDA allows it. I will be filing a complaint as well.

Travis (Northern Ky) on 03/07/2013
0 out of 5 stars

I just found out about this website a week ago. Some of the stuff seems pretty far fetched but some hits the nail on the head. This being one that I truely believe. I quit smoking about 3 yrs ago and started chewing gum to get over that habit, so now thats my habit mainly cause I feel I have sour breath. I am going to try the peroxide mouth wash method to remedy that. But back to my point I have been chewing the crap out of gum with aspertame in it and have been trying to cut down/stop and noticed that I have been getting some of these symptoms but most people have wrote about diet soda but havent read much about it being in gum, I guess the amount in the gum could cause the same effects?. Hopefully I kick this habit and these side effects roll out with the habit.

Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/28/2012
0 out of 5 stars

It's been reported that the big champion MS promoter Michael J. Fox was once awarded a truck-load of diet cola for doing a commercial for the manufacturer way back in the day when he was in good health, which really helped launch the Aspartame - MS connection. This observation has been disputed and I haven't researched it, but have little doubt because the profit industry always does the cover-ups and MJF seems to intentionally indulge and exaggerate his condition while on camera. MJF associates have reported this while saying he's just fine most-times.

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