Scoliosis Remedies

Modified on Mar 09, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Treatment of scoliosis ranges from chiropractic treatments to exercise, orthotic inserts and nutritional supplements. The appropriate treatment is typically best identified by determining the cause of the condition. Nonetheless, many home remedies offer relief from misalignment of the spine caused by any number of factors.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition defined as curvature of the spine. The condition typically develops at the time of the growth spurt right before puberty; however, it can occur at any point in an individual’s life.

Common symptoms of the condition include uneven shoulders, a more prominent should blade, an uneven waist, or one hip that is higher than the other. If the condition progresses, the spine may even rotate or twist. The condition is caused by a number of factors including genetics, neuromuscular conditions, birth defects and injury to the spine.

Home Remedies for Curvature of the Spine

A number of treatments have been found effective for treating curvature of the spine. Exercise is one of the most important factors associated with strengthening the spine. Additionally, orthotic inserts work to steadily realign the spine while nutritional supplements support the spinal development and regrowth of cells.


One factor that often contributes to scoliosis is weakness in the spine. Targeted exercise techniques can strengthen and straighten the spine naturally. Swimming, yoga and other stretching type exercises work to realign the spine safely and effectively.

Orthotic Inserts

Many individuals have positive results from lifts or orthotic inserts. Lifts are inserted into the shoe at a specific height so as to tilt the pelvis in the correct direction. With regular use, lifts naturally reposition the spine and correct a curvature.


Nutritional supplements can also help strengthen the spine. Bone broth and boron or borax supplements are effective nutritional treatment options. Scoliosis is often the result of a magnesium-calcium imbalance, and these supplements help to correct that imbalance.

Scoliosis can be defined as the sideways curvature of the spine. Many cases of the condition are mild; however, without treatment even mild cases progress to more serious curvatures. Home remedies offer effective treatment options that prevent the condition from worsening and often correct the curvature gradually.

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List of Remedies for Scoliosis