Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide, Clove Oil for Scabies

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Bugfree (California City, Ca) on 06/11/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I waited to Post untill I was Healed.. BORAX & HYDROGEN PEROXIDE was the Key to Cure.... I went to the Doctor and he gave me Pemerthrin Cream & a strong antibiotic for staff infection. It helped but did not completly cure. I dusted my bed and couch & chair and Drivers Seat of the Car with Boric Acid and took evening Hot Baths in a plam full of Twentymule Team Borax & 1/2 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide after a few weeks... The bumps I was still getting was not from mites any more but reaction to the borax so I slowly went from a handfull of borax to the bath to a teaspoon to zero.. After a few weeks of no borax bath & the last of the bumps went away and I was healed. I learned that the reaction to the Pemerthrin & Borax on the skin is the similar symptons as the scabies ( But not as near as bad you can live with it )... You do have to finally stop all treatments and give the skin time to heal... The whole scabies journey was the most horrible situation I have ever experienced in my life.. For those that are scratching while reading this there is a way to sanity again: Borax & Hydrogen Preoxide Hot Baths every evening and you will get healed.... God Bless!