Olive Leaf for Rosacea

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Carlos (Barcelona) on 03/18/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I can testify that olive leaf helps rosacea.I dont have full blown rosacea with pustules thank God but I do have redness in my nose and cheeks and enlarged pores. After reading about the antibacterial and fungal properties of olive leaf I went to the park and grabbed some leaves..its that easy and cheap here in Spain...I placed a few leaves with half glass of water in my blender, I filtered the result and I had an olive leaf tonic.I applied it to my face after my bentonite clay daily cleansing. I just let it sit and forgot about it. Hours later I looked in the mirror and I could not see my pores. I had to come close to the mirror and the redness was greatly reduced too. Now I'm trying it internally because rosacea is said to be related to the gut health and OLE is said to be great for intestinal health. After chewing 6 leaves I can tell the skin in my face is smoother and I also felt circulation in my feet right after eating them. I suffer cold feet and light impotence I have bad circulation. I'veread OLE helps with circulation as well so its an added benefit to have warm feet.