Master Cleanse for Rosacea

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Caroline (Keller, Texas) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

I recently went on the "Master Cleanse" and after only 3 days noticed a drastic change in the appearance of my rosacea redness. My skin had a creamy white appearance with tight pores that I have not experienced since I was in my 20's (I am 38). I only lasted 5 days on this detox/cleanse but my initial intent was weight loss. What a wonderful side effect! I am not sure if these will be lasting effects or not. Only time will tell. Since most people believe that rosacea is a result of PH I believe quite possibly this could be a possible cure. I am not sure of the exact life cycle of the demodex mite. I am speculating if a person could stay on the cleanse long enough to cover the life cycles then that would end up being a viable solution to the problem.