Manuka Honey, Zinc Oxide for Rosacea

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Newlynatural (Deerfield B, Fl/ Usa) on 04/20/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I've had rosacea forever. Everyone always asked me if I had gotten some sun. Or I've been dubbed rosy cheek girl. Every time I start feeling hot My face is bright red. This is not cute in your twenties. I used makeup forever to cover up the problem but im 24 and it was simply just annoying every morning putting on make up and getting my clothes dirty from the makeup. But my bf is the reason I actually switched to not wearing make up. He kept encouraging me to be natural blah blah. It was a tough road at first detoxing my skin because so many years of make up made my skin almost unbareable to look at naturally. But a month later and 300 organic sites later I found the two items that cleared me up.

First: Manuka Honey- amazing, toned my redness down and started clearing up all the little bumps I had. Didnt really clear but made my face livable and detoxed my skin for sure.

2nd: Zinc Oxide Ointment 20% from any drug store

I started putting this stuff on my problem places for three days morning and night and was noticeably clearer within 2.

A man I work with came to my desk with skin cancer on his body. But his face was completely clear. He told me he had been using sun block with zinc oxide religiously on his face and his doctor was amazed by how much his skin had improved and cleared. So I jumped on it quick.

A week later I am clearer then ever. I also want to add that I have been drinking aloe vera juice from the HFS and Im sure it has contributed. But I am so amazed and shocked in the transformation of my skin. And beside a little mascara and lip color from time to time I have stopped wearing make up. It was worth the transition time. GOOD LUCK.