Lysine, Vitamin C, Apple Cider Vinegar, Vaseline for Rosacea

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Diane (Raleigh, NC) on 12/22/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have had a terrible struggle with severe rosacea on my face, eyes, and neck the past few months, along with seborrheic dermatitis on and behind my ears. This attacked with a vengeance at age 50 after a lifetime of no significant skin problems. The onset was after a serious illness, possibly autoimmune, so it seems it was facilitated by a compromised immune system. After getting progressively worse following my dermatologist's recommendations, I started reading and researching everything I could get my hands on. There were many days I wouldn't even leave the house because my face and eyes were so raw and swollen. My facial features were nearly unrecognizable as my own, and I was truly desperate, and was terribly afraid I would never look normal again. I finally seem to have found a combination of remedies that have almost miraculously returned my skin to its former (smooth, soft, unblemished, not red) self, and I am praying that there is no relapse.

So far, so good, and I wanted to share what I am doing.

1).I am taking 4-5 lysine 1000 mg.tablets daily (2-3 a.m. & p.m.) along with several grams of vitamin C daily

2). After washing with a mild facial cleanser morning & evening, I follow with a ACV straight out of the bottle all over the affected areas applied with a cotton ball.

3) After 5 minutes, I rinse off the ACV, pat dry, and apply vaseline all over my face & neck. The results have been amazing! I don't know this for fact, but IF rosacea is caused by mites, I think that the vaseline may smother them, but I'd love to hear Ted's thoughts on this. As heavy as vaseline is, at night on rosacea-ravaged skin it is soothing and nicely absorbed, and you may be able to go a little lighter in the morning. This has been a godsend for me, and I would love to know if anyone else tries it and what their results are. I will post an update after awhile to see if I remain clear.