Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide for Rosacea

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ROBERT HENRY (TEN MILE, TN) on 01/02/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been treated for Rosacea by several Dermatologists for some dozen years and all for naught. Since my Rosacea is restricted to my nose, I concluded that it is indeed a problem with Demodex mites. It has been a long hard struggle as the critters are laying eggs constantly and you got a new crop to kill off constantly. Ted, says it is a nano-insect. I got no clue, but do think it is a critter of some kind. I am not pretty, but look pretty good 300 yards off now that my nose is not full of yuck bumps.

The formula I came up with is borax, HP, and tea tree oil and I mix this formula in a coke bottle cap and spread it on and in my nose morning and night. Since the critters live in you hair folicals , I also spread the solution in my nostrials. Don't look for a quick cure. If your Rosacea is from mites, then it is a long process. 6 months to a year.


Marie (St Louis , MO) on 09/15/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

When I initially tried Ted's borax and peroxide remedy it cleared my rosacea right away. -- But -- It came back. -- My Natural Health Doctor says that is because the REAL cause of Rosacea is a Weakened Immune System.

She says that the mites are a "normal" part of life, and that they cause no symptoms in people with healthy immune systems.

I can believe that, as I have been a dog breeder for many years, and know that dogs get the symptoms of demodectic mange when they are going through periods of stress.

Life in this system is continually stressful for most of us. I guess we must try to relieve that stress to the best of our ability. Also, diet plays a big part in healing our immune systems, so I guess we need to adopt the theory "don't eat junk food" (if you want to be healthy.)


Kate (Pasadena, CA) on 06/25/2008:
4 out of 5 stars

TED..Thank you very much for your advice. You provide a great service to many people.

I am a 49 year old menopausal female. I have had rosacea for about 9 years, but mostly just had redness and ruddy skin with broken capillaries. But about 3 months ago I started breaking out with this little bumps on my chin and upper lip. I avoid direct sun, but it gets much worse after any sun exposure. It looks terrible, like acne, but its not. I started your remedy 25 days ago. It has been like a roller coaster, seems to be getting better, then not, but overall I think it is slowing working. Initially I had a hard time alkalizing. I got some test strips and the lowest ph measure is 6.8, which was an orange color, and I couldn't even get close to that, so I must have been very acid. I tried the baking soda twice a day and it was barely helping. Finally after about 10 days, I was able to find the washing soda. Once I used the carbicarb formula, it went up to 8.0 in two days! So now I do that once a day to keep at about 7.4. Then I do 1/2 teaspoon of borax and 1/2 teaspoon of peroxide in a liter of water which I drink throughout the day. I also do the topical borax/peroxide every night. It makes my skin very dry and is peeling. What else can I use for moisturizer and exfoliation that won't interfere with treatment? My skin is definitely getting smoother, but still a lot of redness. Lavender oil does not help either. In fact, anything I put on my skins makes it immediately deep red in the rosacea area. Also, a peculiar thing is happening. In the morning with a 10x magnified mirror, I look at my skin very closely. These little white "pin heads" are surfacing. With a slanted tweezer I pull them out and they come out very easy. They are white with a fine root-like body, about 1/8 to 1/2 inch long. They are not normal white heads. Could they be these nanoinsects? Or just my pores clearing out? This is only happening is the areas of the rosacea.

I look forward to your advice.
Thank you, Kate


Samuel Guevara (Taipei, Taiwan) on 04/09/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I'm trying not to be too optimistic but this Borax Hp cure is REALLY working on me. I"m on my 3 week now and i put the borax and Hp solution all over my head and face...and it's look like...well normal skin again!!!I understand that i need to use this for a month more or less and Rosacea will be part of my past...i'm so happy.I will post again next week to tell everybody how i'm doing.I regret i didn't made a picture before.
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Samuel Guevara (Taipei , Taiwan) on 04/05/2008:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

Hello, i send a message some days ago but nothing come out.So here again..I'm in my secon week now of the remedy of Ted for Rosacea:I apply borax and HP on my face everyday , twice a day. Also y drink a Lt. of water with 1/8 of borax 3 times a week. The firs week seems everything was going to be great, this week it look like Rosacea is coming back.I"m doing something wrong or it's normal? Why Rosacea is almost non existant in Thailand? what Ted think about? it's the diet? Please post this question on the site

Devon (Johnson, VT) on 03/29/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been patiently waiting for them (rosacea breakouts) to return as to not have my current conviction be in vain, however, the topical 1% H2O2/Saturated Borax solution applied to my face seems to have given me the most consistent and real cure of my Rosacea in 20 years.

I am 39 years of age and started to have the breakouts off and on since the age of early 20's. When I discovered topical cortisone it was the only thing that had helped up until that point. After using the cortisone off and on for more than 10 years I finally realized that not only did the topical steroids have side effects, but that I was unfortunately experiencing them: thinning facial skin and broken blood vessels-- in other parts of my face where the Rosacea didn't bother me. Although that could be side effects from long term Rosacea breakouts too I know.I would usually get the rosacea breakouts around the eye brows and adjacent sides of the nose. The Blood Vessels are on the upper outside cheek areas. One day this year I was determined to stop the cortisone but I knew that my face was addicted to it and it would be hard to it and it would be hard to stop because of the strange mind-body'connection to having something that I knew could work temporarily to get me through the self vanity crisis of facing fellow employees in the work place-- not to mention nothing else had ever worked!!! The feeling of the slight stinging/flushing sensation of the breakouts was the most noticeable characteristic that the cortisone would alleviate after a day or two. And then I would patiently wait for the redness and swelling to subside. I ended up ordering some florasone-- steroid alternative with a base ingredient of Cardiospermum-- hoping, and trying to convince myself this would be the answer-- while gradually trying to ween myself off of the Cortisone. Unfortunately, the Florasone just bought me a little time before sure enough, the Rosacea breakouts would return. Sometime around this time during my continued research and frustration, I discovered the idea of Demodex Mites being a possible cause for Rosacea which led me to this site and the Topical Borax cure. By the way, I haven't yet had the courage to try the internal version but that is definitely on the upcoming summer healing agenda. To make a long story short, one application of the Borax/H2O2 solution over night gave me successful relief for almost a week, enough to give some hope. I never really noticed the mites running like mentioned can happen; but I can say now, I have applied the solution three or four times on entire face and scalp (even eye lids-- no problem)-- usually spaced out by a week. My condition seems to be gone.

!!! It is gone!!! And now that my face has weaned mostly from the cortisone (haven't used it in 2 months), my face seems happy to receive an organic coconut oil moisturizing session during the interim between what is now a weekly Borax schedule that I am trying to follow. Interestingly I noticed that the condition seems to gradually attempt to return in-between treatments, but that returning has gotten longer and longer; this leads me to believe the Mite life cycle is close to broken in the epidermis. I have also added Tea Tree oil to my Coconut Oil and my face seems to like it a lot as along as the Tea Tree concentration is not to high in proportion to the Coconut Oil. Also, my face used to breakout when applying any kind of oily moisturizer, but now it is starting to like the CC. I can't tell you how empowering it is to get to the bottom of an elusive 20 year half-my-life condition, even if it is just Rosacea. By the way, for those that find the Borax solution to be very drying, I accidentally discovered that cutting the concentration of Borax down, in half or so, can make the drying effect less and one can still receive the benefits, and just apply it more often. Good Luck!

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Teresa (Sumner, WA) on 12/30/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

re: dermodetic mites on face. BORAX and PEROXIDE. Thank you Ted for your wonderful postings. You are truly the answer to peoples' prayers. I have been to many doctors and was told that what I had was acne and' folliculitus. I read your cures and decided to try it since nothing the doctors gave me (antibiotics, steroid creams and even Accutane) have helped. I thought it couldn't be that simple but it was. So to all the skeptics give it a try (borax and peroxide) You are truly an honest man and compassionate. Thank you

Lynn (Grand Rapids, MI) on 10/28/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

re: demodex mites/rosacea -- I am currently in the process of ridding my face of these nasty mites. I can attest to the fact that they really do move. I first put the borax solution on my cheeks to test it and all of the red spots moved to my chin the next day. It was incredibly freaky! I have felt them move to my eyes, nose ears and scalp at various times. Now there are a few spots showing up on my ankles as I fight to kill them all! I am determined to win this battle thanks to this awesome website and my new hero "Ted"!

I have ingested the borax several times now with no ill effects at all. I was quite leary at first, but I knew that everything else Ted had stated had proven to be true- so I took a leap of faith. I am so glad I did! Now I just need to stay focused and disciplined to follow through on the routine. Thank you so much for your help.You are making a huge difference in the lives of many people.


Kristy (Lansing, Michigan) on 10/17/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi...I was just reading the Borax page to a friend of mine and saw something a little startling in the testimony by Julie from New York dated 10/12/07. She writes that she used 1/8 of a tablespoon. The dosages I've read have said 1/8 to 1/4 of a teaspoon. I don't know if it's enough of a difference to matter but I thought I should bring it to your attention so you could figure it out. Thanks!
EC: Thank you, Kristy!'You are right -- the correct dosage is 1/8th teaspoon, not tablespoon!

Julie (New York, NY) on 10/12/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been struggling with seborrheic dermatitis on my face for 5 years. I have tried everything - drastic diet changes, candida elimination, probiotics, apple cider vinegar, topical steroids, msm sulfur, betaine hydrochloride, pancreatic enzymes, vitamin C, oil of oregano, flax oil, etc etc etc. A year and a half ago, I also developed perioral dermatitis and ocular rosacea. I read about borax and I decided to give it a try, taking 1/8 a tablespoon of borax in a liter of water for 3 days straight. After the third day, things were definitely changing but not noticeably better. I then decided to try to use borax topically. I combined a 1/2 tablespoon of borax with some hydrogen peroxide mixed with 50% water and I put it on my face then rinsed it off after about 30 seconds. It worked! My face feels as smooth as it did when I was a child, and my ocular rosacea is gone too. I didn't even remember what it was like to have normal feeling skin on my face with no rough patches, flaking, or redness. And I can't believe my eyes are back to their normal shape! I am so relieved. I feel and look like myself again for the first time in years. It seems miraculous. I am so so so grateful. What an excellent site. I suppose my problem was demodex skin mites, and the borax/hydrogen peroxide combo has eliminated them. I hope my experience will help someone else.


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