Blackstrap Molasses for Rosacea

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Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 05/06/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I don't know what Ted's remedies for rosacea were but I suffered from rosacea for years and honestly, I never noticed it until it was pointed out to me. At that point, I was so humiliated that I was self conscious and tried to cover it up with makeup but really, that was futile.

It wasn't until I started taking blackstrap molasses that I noticed a difference pretty much straight away. Now I've stopped taking it (must get back on for other benefits) and it hasn't returned at all and it's been over a year. I recall thinking that when I looked at the molasses closely, it had almost a green tinge to it as it was so black - if that makes sense.

It's also well known in the cosmetic industry that redness is combatted with green, so there are cover foundations specifically designed for those with red tinges in the skin. I feel that the molasses worked it's magic from inside and perhaps the green hue had an effect after all! Worth a try because it's so inexpensive. Don't give up.....xx