Rectal Bleeding Remedies

Modified on Oct 20, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

Treating rectal bleeding typically involves identifying the exact cause of the bleeding and working from there to remedy the condition. Nonetheless, many cases of bleeding can be mediated using common treatment methods. Hydration, natural supplements and a balanced diet are three of the most important components for preventing and treating rectal bleeding.

What is Rectal Bleeding?

Rectal bleeding is a term used to refer to any blood that passes from the anus; however, it most often describes bleeding from the lower colon or rectum. Blood that results from the condition ranges in color from bright red to dark maroon and may even be a dark or tarry color. Associated symptoms may include constipation, abdominal pain or hemorrhoids.

Natural Remedies for Hematochezia

A number of conditions cause or are associated with rectal bleeding; however, the condition is typically very treatable. Maintaining a balanced diet full of fresh, fibrous fruits and vegetables and complete with plenty of water is crucial for maintaining regular bowel movements and avoiding strain on the digestive tract and rectum. Additionally, several natural supplements including pantothenic acid, aloe vera and flaxseed as well as others effectively manage the condition.

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, is an essential nutrient. The nutrient is crucial for both energy production and regulating metabolism. As such, it helps balance the system and prevents rectal bleeding as it regulates blood flow and other bodily processes.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a hydrating and soothing supplement. This compound functions to treat rectal bleeding in a variety of ways. Aloe hydrates the system and softens the stool; it also relieves inflammation in the body and prevents damage which may contribute to bleeding.


Flaxseed is an effective treatment option in a variety of ways. This healthful compound contains three major health-enhancing components: omega-3 fats, lignans and fiber. Together these components hydrate the system, remove toxins and regulate bowel movements, treating and preventing rectal bleeding.

Rectal bleeding is a blanket term used to define a wide range of conditions that cause blood to pass from the anus. While the condition often causes concern, it can typically be treated effectively using a combination of dietary changes as well as nutritional supplements.

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List of Remedies for Rectal Bleeding