Natural Remedies for Pterygium

Modified on Jan 08, 2024 | Earth Clinic Team

A Pterygium is a fleshy growth on the eyeball. While initially pterygia are usually asymptomatic, they can cause irritating symptoms like burning, itching and tearing of the eye.  Often treatment for pterygia is sought because it is a cosmetic issue. Eventually pterygia can adversely affect vision. Sometimes surgery is performed to remove a pterygium. Natural remedies like castor oil and apple cider vinegar not only reduce the irritation of pterygia, they often are used to heal the pterygia in part or whole.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw and organic apple cider vinegar is used to reduce the redness and itching of a pterygia. Apple cider vinegar is diluted with distilled water and used directly in the eye. For complete directions, cautions and side effects, please see this page.

Apple cider vinegar can also be taken internally to alkalize the body, which often helps the body to resolve different health issues. 

Activated Charcoal Powder

Activated charcoal powder is diluted in water to make a solution in which to put into the eye.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is soothing to dry eyes and commonly used in the alternative health world to reduce tumors and growths.


Enzymes like serrapeptase and nattokinase dissolve non-living tissue. They are taken internally on an empty stomach to reduce all sorts of different types of growths.


High quality honey is used to treat a variety of health problems include eye issues. A drop of honey is placed into the eye at bedtime. Initially this can sting. For medical purposes raw honey should be used. Local honey sold in glass jars is preferred.

Protect Your Eyes

You only get one set of eyes; protect them! Pterygia are more common among those who live closer to the equator. It is sometimes called, “surfer’s eye.” According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, it is suspected that UVB light is a root cause of the damage.1 If you are out in the sun a lot, eye wear that blocks UVB light is highly recommended.

Do you have a natural remedy for a Pterygium? Please send us some feedback!



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List of Remedies for Pterygium