Vitamin D for Psoriasis Treatment

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Mississippi (Hernando, Mississippi) on 01/18/2013
5 out of 5 stars

My husband had severe psoriasis-covering almost his entire body-he had two different kinds and was so ill at one point he could not work and eventually was on crutches due to cellulitis forming on his foot. He suffered from boils at the same time and only got worse with time. We went to medical doctors-holistic doctors-and chiropractors-we had blood work to see what deficiencies he might have and had allergy testing-he was given prescriptions for antibiotics (for the cellulitis)-salves-nasal sprays-and we used many home remedies recommended on this site. Although he found some relief with some of the remedies-nothing worked to slow down the psoriasis or the boils. We learned that Vit-D deficiency is a cause for psoriasis-he took mega doses of Vit-D 3. He is a carpenter and most of his work is outside in the sunlight-a wonderful, natural form of Vit-D. I do not believe he was absorbing the Vit-D in whatever form he got it. (Due to underlying issues.)

The doctors all asked the same question-was there an injury, or a life changing event-they were looking for a trigger-most people who have psoriasis to the degree my husband did-are younger at the offset-he was 50 years old. His only life change at the time was a job that had him working indoors and working through the nighttime when he normally would have been sleeping. He worked through the night and slept (as best as he could) during the day. He kept this schedule for several months and I believe this was the trigger they were looking for. He has always been a healthy, muscular, active man-he became tired, sick, and had a long list of illnesses. Regular sleep is important and I believe sleeping during the night is essential to good health. To wrap this up-after many months of searching and trying different meds, herbs, salves, remedies, we found John Pegano's book on Healing Psoriasis-followed his recommendation to stop eating nightshades and saw immediate results. The boils-terrible boils-dried up and have not returned-the Psoriasis is gone besides two patches on the insides of his legs near his ankles (we believe those will clear up with more time. ) We have followed other suggestions in the book but this one seems to be what turned things around, drastically. The nightshade vegetables include Potatoes, Tomatoes, Egg Plant, Spicey Peppers, & Tobacco. I hope this helps someone else suffering from similar problems with Psoriasis, cellulitis, or boils (cysts). We are still amazed at the results from something so simple-it was hard at first to change his diet to meals without these foods-but he will not touch any of them now.

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Skyesmom (Memphis, Tn) on 03/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I had bloodwork done and was very deficient in Vitamin D. I have suffered from mild psoriasis for about 10 years. I recently had a small patch come up on my elbow. I have been taking liquid Vitamin D-3 bought at GNC for a few weeks and the psoriasis is gone. I take one dropper full a day under the tongue and let it absorb in.
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Chuck (Atlanta, GA) on 02/07/2009
5 out of 5 stars

For about 20 years, I had a chronic patch of psoriasis over my left eyebrow. I had tried several prescription and OTC creams, but none of them worked. After reading an article about how thousands of people got relief from psoriasis by sunbathing in the Dead Sea area, I remembered how my own psoriasis would practically disappear during the summer months when I sunbathed regularly. That was when I made the connection between sunshine and vitamin D. So, I started taking a daily supplement of 1000iu of vitamin D, which was in addition to the 400iu in my daily multivitamin. In about a week, I was amazed to see the patch of psoriasis had completely disappeared and has never returned. It may not work for everyone, but it sure worked for me!