Sulfur Soap And Castor Oil, Coconut Oil Cleansing for Perioral Dermatitis

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Shan (Portsmouth, Uk) on 08/06/2017
5 out of 5 stars

Sulfur Soap and Castor Oil/Coconut Oil cleansing

I developed the annoying little bumps about four months ago. They started as small bumps on the creases of my mouth and then sure enough migrated to the sides of my mouth (bottom) and the other side of my face. I was sure it was a breakout, so I tried everything I could think of (lavender, tea tree, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, green tea, salt water, manuka honey) but nothing worked, the final straw was when I developed the bumps under my eyes, that's when I knew I was dealing with a form of dermatitis and rosacea. After months of trying one thing after another, none helping at all, I have FINALLY figured out what works for me. I use 10% sulfur soap with vitamin on the dermatitis around my mouth, I don't put any oils or moisturizer on it.

When I started this routine, the bumps nearly cleared 100% within a week/week and a half. The ocular roseasa around my eyes only got worse with the sulfur soap so I use a mixture of castor oil and coconut oil to wash my eyes and the rest of my face (being careful to keep it away from around my mouth!! ), this has cleared it up within a few days. The redness is FINALLY going away around my mouth and the tone of my skin is returning to normal.

My mom also gets this, and she was put on antibiotics, it worked well the first time but it didn't get rid of it for good...I wanted to find a way of keeping it at bay without having to be on antibiotics for months at a time. Not sure if this will work for anyone else, but it's been great for me!