Multiple Remedies for Perioral Dermatitis

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Bechansen (Brighton, Co) on 07/10/2013
1 out of 5 stars

I started ACV 50/50 topically 2x/day, 1 tbsp 2x/day orally 1 week ago. I cleanse 2x/day with mild baby soap and follow with a calendula cream after the ACV. I initially went to the derm doc and he said rosacea. Gave me metro gel and a sulfur cleanser. Got worse. Went back to a different derm doc, she said perioral dermatitis. Gave me brand name metro gel, told me to stop sulfur cleanse, and gave me an rx for 1 month of antibiotics. REALLY did not want to take antibiotics so found this site and started the above regimen. BUT it's still getting worse. I'd say I have a mild case, but don't want it to get worse, which it is! How long do I give things a try before I decide it's making it worse and try something else? This whole thing started when we moved to another state and I was blowing my nose constantly! I got a sore under my nose and the rest is history. It really was not that bad, just not going away, when I went to the derm. Ever since then everything seems to make it worse. Since it started as a sore, what do you suspect could be the culprit? Bacteria, fungus, yeast? Also, I'm around horses, hay, dust, and sun all day long.