Multiple Remedies for Perioral Dermatitis

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Nycole (Wichita, Ks, Usa) on 02/15/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been struggling with perioral dermatitis for 4 months, ever since having my hormone-releasing IUD removed (after 5 years). I tried a few things, including apple cider vinegar, which helped a little, but didn't remove the rash. I finally found a calendula cream with calendula, several coconut products, aloe vera, viola tricolor extract (pansy), willow bark, yucca, vitamin e, french lavender oil, clary sage, and amino acids.

I read about people using calendula cream for eczema, so I gave it a shot. It is sooo soothing. I use it several times a day. It helped immediately.

I also decided to use Ted's topical remedy. The rash is now almost completely gone. I am still using both the borax/water/peroxide topically and the calendula cream, afterward. Almost totally gone! Yay!!!


Colleen (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/15/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

I wanted to write in to give my long story to all of the people who are suffering with Perioral Dermatitis (POD) - I know I pored over these entries and was willing to try anything to get rid of / improve this rash. This board was a beacon of hope for me, and I'd like to pass on what I've learned, and what has worked for me with POD.

I'm 35 and live in Calgary, where the water is fluorinated (BOO!).

I suddenly became afflicted with perioral dermatitis in June of this year, a couple of days after receiving a tetanus shot.

Yes, I believe that is the cause; no, I can't prove it and have found no corroboration online. Anyone else get an immunization or vaccine just prior to this?

I had a very sore stomach for a couple of days after the shot, and then started getting an "acne-like" rash around the sides of my mouth and chin. I didn't think too much of it - I get the odd pimple in that area once in awhile.

I didn't notice any particular food related ebb and flow of symptoms, aside from some alcohols. No problem with spicy food or exercise either.

But this didn't go away, and it got worse and spread. These were blisters, not pimples (filled with clear fluid). I tried all my usual skin "cures" - primarily coconut oil, which is generally what I use on my skin and it's *usually* brilliant. But that only seemed to make the bumps worse! And a bit tender.
I tried castor oil - same thing. Bio-Oil - same.
I finally tried some of the cortisone cream my doc had prescribed for a different rash (on my shoulder - TOTALLY different beast), and that worked great... for a while. Then, like everyone else, I had the rebound, and the decreasing efficacy, and the spreading. Finally, I read that the cortisone can make it much worse (if I'd only known!).

I searched the 'Net, and self-diagnosed based on several write-ups of POD - I was not willing to go to the doc and end up on several months of antibiotics! There had to be something natural... And then I found Earth Clinic!

Now, the POD was on my eyelids, under my eyes, forehead, sides of the nose and around my mouth. When I stopped the cortisone, it was raw and painful and really unsightly and I was completely beside myself.

I tried whatever I could get my hands on that people were recommending here, with varying levels of success. My bathroom counter is covered with the many items I've bought trying to solve this!

My findings for the things I tried here:

Zinc Oxide cream - found that it relieved the rawness a bit, but the blisters proliferated and the redness did not subside. Might be partially due to other ingredients. I could not find one that didn't have either castor oil, petrolatum or other oils. ANY oil (except Tea Tree Oil) = FAIL. At least for me.

Vitamin E Oil - this was nice and soothing after using Tea Tree Oil or Apple Cider Vinegar, but - ANY OIL (except Tea Tree Oil)= FAIL. It would soothe the redness and rawness, but then I'd start over again with more blisters. Overall, I gave up on it for this condition.

Aloe vera gel (topical) - also stings. Helps the spots to feel better once the burning stops, but makes everything feel very tight and dry - need an emollient afterward, but at the time couldn't find anything. Helpful, but didn't cure anything.

Acidophillus - I've been taking acidophillus on a regular basis for years. I upped the dosage, but I didn't feel that this had any effect on my face.

Tea Tree Oil (TTO) - stings like crazy, but I could cope with that. It really helped by drying out the blisters. Definitely helped, but still never made it go away. Overall drying effect, so it didn't seem to contribute to new blisters, but it may since I couldn't seem to stop the blisters/dry & flaky cycle.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) -helped the most - stings, and very drying, but reduced the redness down to small spots.

I found TTO and ACV in tandem to be the most helpful in toning down the overall redness (after the initial burn, that is). I would alternate days using ACV and TTO as a "toner", using a small amount of a 20% Urea cream afterward (to combat the flaking and tightness - this was the ONLY thing that helped in that area without creating more blisters).

That got me into a more manageable cycle, BUT still the redness and flaking skin persisted. If I knocked off the ACV & TTO, the blisters would come back.

I decided to revisit some earlier advice from my acupuncturist. He said (back when this all started) that the area around the mouth (where it first showed up) is related to the intestines in Chinese Medicine. I'd tried elimination diets (dairy, meat, grains) throughout the summer and fall to no avail, and no appreciable effect.

So - my new strategy. I did 3 things simultaneously:

2 days ago:
I bought a huge jug of organic Aloe Vera juice (for drinking).
I took 4-5 oz twice a day (mixed with orange juice because it tastes better) to start with, along with some acidophillus (at the same time - the aloe helps with absorption as well as healing intestinal troubles).
I stopped the topical treatments of ACV and TTO, and now I just use a tiny amount of straight calendula cream (from a tube; not mixed in a lotion, but be careful - it's a bit oily!) mixed with 20% Urea cream to help with the dry/tight feeling.

I also finally found a really good, natural and fluoride and SLS free toothpaste at my health food store with Neem, TTO, activated oxygen and other good stuff.

It has been 2 days, and I've had the most dramatic change in the POD!

Literally, the redness is about 95% gone (in 2 days!), and the blisters are flaking off with clear, new skin underneath. A couple of the more severe areas are still a bit tender, but less red, and they're very like healing blemishes now. I can't even see it around my eyes anymore!

So - after all that, I'm recommending that all of you treat your tummy! Even if you don't think you have a problem, Aloe Vera Juice certainly can't hurt!
The acidophillus alone didn't do anything for me, which really isn't all that surprising if (as I surmise) I have a malabsorption problem (do you?), which prevents many things taken internally from working; prevents nutrient absorption, etc.

I'm not certain if it is one part of this latest regimen, or the whole thing together, but FINALLY I am getting some "love", and finally seeing some very promising results.

I'm going to keep going with 4-5 oz x 2/day of aloe juice (I bought a gallon of it for about $30; in Canada, that is), and I'll let you know how things go!

As an aside, I'm starting to think now that there are maybe 2 (or more) different kinds of POD - seems one can be "mite"/ topical parasite/ bacteria related, and one seems to be more connected with the stomach and intestines, based on the fact that there seem to be such wide ranging results for different people.
Any other thoughts or hypotheses on this?
Best of luck to everyone!


Erica (Ncentral, Ma) on 09/15/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

CALENDULA CREAM!!! I used the same brand as listed above, twice a day, and it has cleared it up amazingly!! I was also eating and applying (all organic) apple cider vinegar and yogurt and using coconut oil as a moisturizer for a while and i think it was keeping it at bay, keeping it from getting worse, but not clearing it up much. This is after having the condition since january, having gone on antibiotics two seperate times and it still coming back. CALENDULA IS AMAZING!

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Sally (Portland, Oregon) on 05/03/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

i have recently been struck with perioral dermatitis. i have no idea why, and have not been to a dermatologist to get diagnosed, but i am sure this is what it is. anyhow, 1st i would like to thank EC and ALL the people who post here, you are all so great! thanks for sharing! my treatment for this is: ACV on a cotton ball over the affected area, coconut oil, calendula and yogurt. the ACV burns a bit and causes some redness, but this subsides after a bit. the coconut oil is very moisturizing and soothing. calendula is also calming, moisturizing and sooting-california baby makes a superb calendula cream. putting regular plain organic yogurt on the area is also very cooling and soothing. i also drink ACV 3+ times daily diluted with water and eat a cup or so of yogurt and eat 3+ tbsp of coconut oil daily. this regimen works for me every time. and all of these things are really good for you and your skin. hope this helps! good luck!

HannaQueen (Portland, OR) on 04/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Ive had skin issues my whole life, and now all 4 of my daughters have excema as well. I moved to a small town with really hard water. It made all of us 10 times worst. We did everything you can think about. Here are a few things we have used and helped.
1. Use all natural lotions. no perfume/plant based.
2. Oatmeal bath. Take cheese cloth and put some oatmeal in it. Tie it close. Throw in your bath and use it to wash yourself. Very soothing.
3. All natural/plant based laundry soap, dish washing soap, laundry softener, soap bars, shampoo, etc. This will help out a lot.

We did this for 2 years and it kept the excema at bay. My 4 yr old started getting red spots under her arms, legs, and hair line. That was it, we had it. We moved into a larger ciy and the water was a lot softer. All red spots and itchy patches were gone within 1 week. If you have hard water, look into getting a filter on your faucets.

We believe in using all natural products instead of using steroid creams or harsh ointments. It really is a life style change but its better for you and your skin. So eat healthy, and use healthy items. Good luck.

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Christine (Lynd, MN) on 04/19/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had my first (and very bad) case of perioral dermatitis for the past 12 weeks. After being treated with various antibiotics and antivirals, and two forms of steroid creams I continue to go through period of extreme inflammation around my mouth mainly---very itchy, uncomfortable and spreading to cheeks. After reading various suggestions on this web page, I found that this remedy seems to have nearly cleared up my rash/itchiness in 3 days times. Here is what I've done:

- Roll of soft paper towels so that I wouldn't have to risk infection from washcloths/towels---I dab my face dry wit the paper towels, while avoiding scratching, rubbing,scrubbing, etc.

- Three times/day I go through the following steps:
1) Rinse my face with cool water and dab dry with paper towel.
2) Use cotton ball to dab face with Apple Cider Viniger (ACV) (stings, turn red for about 10-15 minutes)
3) Combine organic yogurt (2 TBLS) with three opened Grape Seed Extract capsules. Spread over face and neck. Feels cool, refreshing, soothing skin after ACV use. I wear face mask until it dries completely. Rinse luke warm, then cool water. Dab dry with paper towel.
4) Smooth expellor pressed Organic Coconut Oil over face. (I continue to use the coconut oil periodically throughout the day.)

1) Drink plenty of water.
2) Drink 5 glasses of combination of vegetable/fruit juices (without sugar added).
3) Take two capsules of Grape Seed Extract.
4) Other supplements: B-vitamin complex; vitamin D; Lysine.
5) Cut way back on refined sugar.
6) Limit coffee to 1 cup/day.
7) Drink tea ---green tea and Yerba Matte---throughout day.
8) Cut out nuts--almonds, peanuts, etc.-- till face clears up.
9) Eat LOTS of organic yogurt (without sugar added).
10) Get plenty of sleep.

*I also make sure to keep my hands off of my face and wash my hands very often!

Hope this helps!



Bee (Portland, OR) on 03/30/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

I have had dermatitis for years now. I have not been formally diagnosed due to a lack of insurance as a student - but my older sister had/has the same issue and she has been formally diagnosed.

It began around my 29th year. My sister thought she was being helpful when she gave be a steroid that cleared up her PD. It worked! But... it also made the PD worse. My PD was clear if I used the steroid every day and when I stopped, the PD expanded. She told me to stop as soon as she learned that these steroids make things worse.

I tried the ACV and didn't have much luck. Although I didn't probably give it enough time. drinking the stuff was impossible and during outbreaks, it stings.

Months ago my school doctor prescribed a topical antibiotic called Ethromycen, which worked, but left my hands with an orange tint and an odor. After stopping use, the PD came back.

I am now learning about Witch Hazel, Emu Oil and Neem Oil and leaves. It seems to be working a bit, but I think I will add the daily probiotics and reintroduce the ACV.

I have a feeling the PD is related to inflammation. Neem is an anti-flammatory. Emu Oil is transdermal, which means it can pass through the layers of skin, offering more healing. And Witch Hazel is a gentle, natural toner.

I hope my experience offers some help to the conversation.


Rashy (Wayzata, MN) on 02/01/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I've had recurring perioral dermatitis, as well as hormonal acne, for years. After taking antibiotics off and on for the last 20 years to clear up my skin, I went to a natural health practitioner for help. This was two years ago--I took an antifungal tincture, apple cider vinegar, and spanish black radish, as well as a multivitamin. These things really helped, and I was antibiotic-free for 2 years.

The perioral dermatitis reappeared three months ago (could have been a variety of triggers--dietary changes, season, cosmetics, hormonal) and I've been using natural methods to treat it--and nothing has worked. I stopped eating dairy, eggs, soy and wheat. I switched back to a natural toothpaste, and I switched to a dermatologist-recommended mineral makeup (and only use it to cover the rash on occasion!). I took ACV and applied it topically. I used tea tree oil, too. Nothing worked and the rash has gotten much worse.

I finally gave up and went back to the derm for topical and oral antibiotics--that was four days ago and I'm hoping it will clear up!


Andrea (Westminster, CO) on 03/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 30 F I have had perioral dermatitis as long as I can remember. I have been searching for a cure, I almost gave up by getting a prescription for Tetracycline but I have read the side effects of taking it are so bad. I also found people with perioral dermatitis have had success with a prescription vitamin called Nicomide which is 750 mcg of Niacinamide (amide of Niacin or B3), 500 mcg of Folic Acid, 1.5 mg Copper and 50 mg Zinc. SO, after I tried apple cider vinegar topically and it made my rash raw like chapped lips and very itchy, I went to the vitamin store and bought what I could find of the vitamins in Nicomide. I have been on 500mcg of Niacinamide, B complex w/ 400 mcg of Folic Acid and 50 mg Zinc for 3 days and my perioral dermatitis is under control I can still see a little redness but, it doesn't itch and there are no bumps or blisters. I have also been using Cetaphil to wash my face and Eucerin to moisturize and Aquaphor at night. I am very pleased that this worked for me.

Multiple Remedies for Perioral Dermatitis

5 star (34) 
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Nycole (Wichita, Ks, Usa) on 02/15/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been struggling with perioral dermatitis for 4 months, ever since having my hormone-releasing IUD removed (after 5 years). I tried a few things, including apple cider vinegar, which helped a little, but didn't remove the rash. I finally found a calendula cream with calendula, several coconut products, aloe vera, viola tricolor extract (pansy), willow bark, yucca, vitamin e, french lavender oil, clary sage, and amino acids.

I read about people using calendula cream for eczema, so I gave it a shot. It is sooo soothing. I use it several times a day. It helped immediately.

I also decided to use Ted's topical remedy. The rash is now almost completely gone. I am still using both the borax/water/peroxide topically and the calendula cream, afterward. Almost totally gone! Yay!!!


Colleen (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/15/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

I wanted to write in to give my long story to all of the people who are suffering with Perioral Dermatitis (POD) - I know I pored over these entries and was willing to try anything to get rid of / improve this rash. This board was a beacon of hope for me, and I'd like to pass on what I've learned, and what has worked for me with POD.

I'm 35 and live in Calgary, where the water is fluorinated (BOO!).

I suddenly became afflicted with perioral dermatitis in June of this year, a couple of days after receiving a tetanus shot.

Yes, I believe that is the cause; no, I can't prove it and have found no corroboration online. Anyone else get an immunization or vaccine just prior to this?

I had a very sore stomach for a couple of days after the shot, and then started getting an "acne-like" rash around the sides of my mouth and chin. I didn't think too much of it - I get the odd pimple in that area once in awhile.

I didn't notice any particular food related ebb and flow of symptoms, aside from some alcohols. No problem with spicy food or exercise either.

But this didn't go away, and it got worse and spread. These were blisters, not pimples (filled with clear fluid). I tried all my usual skin "cures" - primarily coconut oil, which is generally what I use on my skin and it's *usually* brilliant. But that only seemed to make the bumps worse! And a bit tender.
I tried castor oil - same thing. Bio-Oil - same.
I finally tried some of the cortisone cream my doc had prescribed for a different rash (on my shoulder - TOTALLY different beast), and that worked great... for a while. Then, like everyone else, I had the rebound, and the decreasing efficacy, and the spreading. Finally, I read that the cortisone can make it much worse (if I'd only known!).

I searched the 'Net, and self-diagnosed based on several write-ups of POD - I was not willing to go to the doc and end up on several months of antibiotics! There had to be something natural... And then I found Earth Clinic!

Now, the POD was on my eyelids, under my eyes, forehead, sides of the nose and around my mouth. When I stopped the cortisone, it was raw and painful and really unsightly and I was completely beside myself.

I tried whatever I could get my hands on that people were recommending here, with varying levels of success. My bathroom counter is covered with the many items I've bought trying to solve this!

My findings for the things I tried here:

Zinc Oxide cream - found that it relieved the rawness a bit, but the blisters proliferated and the redness did not subside. Might be partially due to other ingredients. I could not find one that didn't have either castor oil, petrolatum or other oils. ANY oil (except Tea Tree Oil) = FAIL. At least for me.

Vitamin E Oil - this was nice and soothing after using Tea Tree Oil or Apple Cider Vinegar, but - ANY OIL (except Tea Tree Oil)= FAIL. It would soothe the redness and rawness, but then I'd start over again with more blisters. Overall, I gave up on it for this condition.

Aloe vera gel (topical) - also stings. Helps the spots to feel better once the burning stops, but makes everything feel very tight and dry - need an emollient afterward, but at the time couldn't find anything. Helpful, but didn't cure anything.

Acidophillus - I've been taking acidophillus on a regular basis for years. I upped the dosage, but I didn't feel that this had any effect on my face.

Tea Tree Oil (TTO) - stings like crazy, but I could cope with that. It really helped by drying out the blisters. Definitely helped, but still never made it go away. Overall drying effect, so it didn't seem to contribute to new blisters, but it may since I couldn't seem to stop the blisters/dry & flaky cycle.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) -helped the most - stings, and very drying, but reduced the redness down to small spots.

I found TTO and ACV in tandem to be the most helpful in toning down the overall redness (after the initial burn, that is). I would alternate days using ACV and TTO as a "toner", using a small amount of a 20% Urea cream afterward (to combat the flaking and tightness - this was the ONLY thing that helped in that area without creating more blisters).

That got me into a more manageable cycle, BUT still the redness and flaking skin persisted. If I knocked off the ACV & TTO, the blisters would come back.

I decided to revisit some earlier advice from my acupuncturist. He said (back when this all started) that the area around the mouth (where it first showed up) is related to the intestines in Chinese Medicine. I'd tried elimination diets (dairy, meat, grains) throughout the summer and fall to no avail, and no appreciable effect.

So - my new strategy. I did 3 things simultaneously:

2 days ago:
I bought a huge jug of organic Aloe Vera juice (for drinking).
I took 4-5 oz twice a day (mixed with orange juice because it tastes better) to start with, along with some acidophillus (at the same time - the aloe helps with absorption as well as healing intestinal troubles).
I stopped the topical treatments of ACV and TTO, and now I just use a tiny amount of straight calendula cream (from a tube; not mixed in a lotion, but be careful - it's a bit oily!) mixed with 20% Urea cream to help with the dry/tight feeling.

I also finally found a really good, natural and fluoride and SLS free toothpaste at my health food store with Neem, TTO, activated oxygen and other good stuff.

It has been 2 days, and I've had the most dramatic change in the POD!

Literally, the redness is about 95% gone (in 2 days!), and the blisters are flaking off with clear, new skin underneath. A couple of the more severe areas are still a bit tender, but less red, and they're very like healing blemishes now. I can't even see it around my eyes anymore!

So - after all that, I'm recommending that all of you treat your tummy! Even if you don't think you have a problem, Aloe Vera Juice certainly can't hurt!
The acidophillus alone didn't do anything for me, which really isn't all that surprising if (as I surmise) I have a malabsorption problem (do you?), which prevents many things taken internally from working; prevents nutrient absorption, etc.

I'm not certain if it is one part of this latest regimen, or the whole thing together, but FINALLY I am getting some "love", and finally seeing some very promising results.

I'm going to keep going with 4-5 oz x 2/day of aloe juice (I bought a gallon of it for about $30; in Canada, that is), and I'll let you know how things go!

As an aside, I'm starting to think now that there are maybe 2 (or more) different kinds of POD - seems one can be "mite"/ topical parasite/ bacteria related, and one seems to be more connected with the stomach and intestines, based on the fact that there seem to be such wide ranging results for different people.
Any other thoughts or hypotheses on this?
Best of luck to everyone!


Erica (Ncentral, Ma) on 09/15/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

CALENDULA CREAM!!! I used the same brand as listed above, twice a day, and it has cleared it up amazingly!! I was also eating and applying (all organic) apple cider vinegar and yogurt and using coconut oil as a moisturizer for a while and i think it was keeping it at bay, keeping it from getting worse, but not clearing it up much. This is after having the condition since january, having gone on antibiotics two seperate times and it still coming back. CALENDULA IS AMAZING!

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Sally (Portland, Oregon) on 05/03/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

i have recently been struck with perioral dermatitis. i have no idea why, and have not been to a dermatologist to get diagnosed, but i am sure this is what it is. anyhow, 1st i would like to thank EC and ALL the people who post here, you are all so great! thanks for sharing! my treatment for this is: ACV on a cotton ball over the affected area, coconut oil, calendula and yogurt. the ACV burns a bit and causes some redness, but this subsides after a bit. the coconut oil is very moisturizing and soothing. calendula is also calming, moisturizing and sooting-california baby makes a superb calendula cream. putting regular plain organic yogurt on the area is also very cooling and soothing. i also drink ACV 3+ times daily diluted with water and eat a cup or so of yogurt and eat 3+ tbsp of coconut oil daily. this regimen works for me every time. and all of these things are really good for you and your skin. hope this helps! good luck!

HannaQueen (Portland, OR) on 04/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Ive had skin issues my whole life, and now all 4 of my daughters have excema as well. I moved to a small town with really hard water. It made all of us 10 times worst. We did everything you can think about. Here are a few things we have used and helped.
1. Use all natural lotions. no perfume/plant based.
2. Oatmeal bath. Take cheese cloth and put some oatmeal in it. Tie it close. Throw in your bath and use it to wash yourself. Very soothing.
3. All natural/plant based laundry soap, dish washing soap, laundry softener, soap bars, shampoo, etc. This will help out a lot.

We did this for 2 years and it kept the excema at bay. My 4 yr old started getting red spots under her arms, legs, and hair line. That was it, we had it. We moved into a larger ciy and the water was a lot softer. All red spots and itchy patches were gone within 1 week. If you have hard water, look into getting a filter on your faucets.

We believe in using all natural products instead of using steroid creams or harsh ointments. It really is a life style change but its better for you and your skin. So eat healthy, and use healthy items. Good luck.

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Christine (Lynd, MN) on 04/19/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had my first (and very bad) case of perioral dermatitis for the past 12 weeks. After being treated with various antibiotics and antivirals, and two forms of steroid creams I continue to go through period of extreme inflammation around my mouth mainly---very itchy, uncomfortable and spreading to cheeks. After reading various suggestions on this web page, I found that this remedy seems to have nearly cleared up my rash/itchiness in 3 days times. Here is what I've done:

- Roll of soft paper towels so that I wouldn't have to risk infection from washcloths/towels---I dab my face dry wit the paper towels, while avoiding scratching, rubbing,scrubbing, etc.

- Three times/day I go through the following steps:
1) Rinse my face with cool water and dab dry with paper towel.
2) Use cotton ball to dab face with Apple Cider Viniger (ACV) (stings, turn red for about 10-15 minutes)
3) Combine organic yogurt (2 TBLS) with three opened Grape Seed Extract capsules. Spread over face and neck. Feels cool, refreshing, soothing skin after ACV use. I wear face mask until it dries completely. Rinse luke warm, then cool water. Dab dry with paper towel.
4) Smooth expellor pressed Organic Coconut Oil over face. (I continue to use the coconut oil periodically throughout the day.)

1) Drink plenty of water.
2) Drink 5 glasses of combination of vegetable/fruit juices (without sugar added).
3) Take two capsules of Grape Seed Extract.
4) Other supplements: B-vitamin complex; vitamin D; Lysine.
5) Cut way back on refined sugar.
6) Limit coffee to 1 cup/day.
7) Drink tea ---green tea and Yerba Matte---throughout day.
8) Cut out nuts--almonds, peanuts, etc.-- till face clears up.
9) Eat LOTS of organic yogurt (without sugar added).
10) Get plenty of sleep.

*I also make sure to keep my hands off of my face and wash my hands very often!

Hope this helps!



Bee (Portland, OR) on 03/30/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

I have had dermatitis for years now. I have not been formally diagnosed due to a lack of insurance as a student - but my older sister had/has the same issue and she has been formally diagnosed.

It began around my 29th year. My sister thought she was being helpful when she gave be a steroid that cleared up her PD. It worked! But... it also made the PD worse. My PD was clear if I used the steroid every day and when I stopped, the PD expanded. She told me to stop as soon as she learned that these steroids make things worse.

I tried the ACV and didn't have much luck. Although I didn't probably give it enough time. drinking the stuff was impossible and during outbreaks, it stings.

Months ago my school doctor prescribed a topical antibiotic called Ethromycen, which worked, but left my hands with an orange tint and an odor. After stopping use, the PD came back.

I am now learning about Witch Hazel, Emu Oil and Neem Oil and leaves. It seems to be working a bit, but I think I will add the daily probiotics and reintroduce the ACV.

I have a feeling the PD is related to inflammation. Neem is an anti-flammatory. Emu Oil is transdermal, which means it can pass through the layers of skin, offering more healing. And Witch Hazel is a gentle, natural toner.

I hope my experience offers some help to the conversation.


Rashy (Wayzata, MN) on 02/01/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I've had recurring perioral dermatitis, as well as hormonal acne, for years. After taking antibiotics off and on for the last 20 years to clear up my skin, I went to a natural health practitioner for help. This was two years ago--I took an antifungal tincture, apple cider vinegar, and spanish black radish, as well as a multivitamin. These things really helped, and I was antibiotic-free for 2 years.

The perioral dermatitis reappeared three months ago (could have been a variety of triggers--dietary changes, season, cosmetics, hormonal) and I've been using natural methods to treat it--and nothing has worked. I stopped eating dairy, eggs, soy and wheat. I switched back to a natural toothpaste, and I switched to a dermatologist-recommended mineral makeup (and only use it to cover the rash on occasion!). I took ACV and applied it topically. I used tea tree oil, too. Nothing worked and the rash has gotten much worse.

I finally gave up and went back to the derm for topical and oral antibiotics--that was four days ago and I'm hoping it will clear up!


Andrea (Westminster, CO) on 03/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 30 F I have had perioral dermatitis as long as I can remember. I have been searching for a cure, I almost gave up by getting a prescription for Tetracycline but I have read the side effects of taking it are so bad. I also found people with perioral dermatitis have had success with a prescription vitamin called Nicomide which is 750 mcg of Niacinamide (amide of Niacin or B3), 500 mcg of Folic Acid, 1.5 mg Copper and 50 mg Zinc. SO, after I tried apple cider vinegar topically and it made my rash raw like chapped lips and very itchy, I went to the vitamin store and bought what I could find of the vitamins in Nicomide. I have been on 500mcg of Niacinamide, B complex w/ 400 mcg of Folic Acid and 50 mg Zinc for 3 days and my perioral dermatitis is under control I can still see a little redness but, it doesn't itch and there are no bumps or blisters. I have also been using Cetaphil to wash my face and Eucerin to moisturize and Aquaphor at night. I am very pleased that this worked for me.

Nycole (Wichita, Ks, Usa) on 02/15/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I've been struggling with perioral dermatitis for 4 months, ever since having my hormone-releasing IUD removed (after 5 years). I tried a few things, including apple cider vinegar, which helped a little, but didn't remove the rash. I finally found a calendula cream with calendula, several coconut products, aloe vera, viola tricolor extract (pansy), willow bark, yucca, vitamin e, french lavender oil, clary sage, and amino acids.

I read about people using calendula cream for eczema, so I gave it a shot. It is sooo soothing. I use it several times a day. It helped immediately.

I also decided to use Ted's topical remedy. The rash is now almost completely gone. I am still using both the borax/water/peroxide topically and the calendula cream, afterward. Almost totally gone! Yay!!!


Colleen (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/15/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

I wanted to write in to give my long story to all of the people who are suffering with Perioral Dermatitis (POD) - I know I pored over these entries and was willing to try anything to get rid of / improve this rash. This board was a beacon of hope for me, and I'd like to pass on what I've learned, and what has worked for me with POD.

I'm 35 and live in Calgary, where the water is fluorinated (BOO!).

I suddenly became afflicted with perioral dermatitis in June of this year, a couple of days after receiving a tetanus shot.

Yes, I believe that is the cause; no, I can't prove it and have found no corroboration online. Anyone else get an immunization or vaccine just prior to this?

I had a very sore stomach for a couple of days after the shot, and then started getting an "acne-like" rash around the sides of my mouth and chin. I didn't think too much of it - I get the odd pimple in that area once in awhile.

I didn't notice any particular food related ebb and flow of symptoms, aside from some alcohols. No problem with spicy food or exercise either.

But this didn't go away, and it got worse and spread. These were blisters, not pimples (filled with clear fluid). I tried all my usual skin "cures" - primarily coconut oil, which is generally what I use on my skin and it's *usually* brilliant. But that only seemed to make the bumps worse! And a bit tender.
I tried castor oil - same thing. Bio-Oil - same.
I finally tried some of the cortisone cream my doc had prescribed for a different rash (on my shoulder - TOTALLY different beast), and that worked great... for a while. Then, like everyone else, I had the rebound, and the decreasing efficacy, and the spreading. Finally, I read that the cortisone can make it much worse (if I'd only known!).

I searched the 'Net, and self-diagnosed based on several write-ups of POD - I was not willing to go to the doc and end up on several months of antibiotics! There had to be something natural... And then I found Earth Clinic!

Now, the POD was on my eyelids, under my eyes, forehead, sides of the nose and around my mouth. When I stopped the cortisone, it was raw and painful and really unsightly and I was completely beside myself.

I tried whatever I could get my hands on that people were recommending here, with varying levels of success. My bathroom counter is covered with the many items I've bought trying to solve this!

My findings for the things I tried here:

Zinc Oxide cream - found that it relieved the rawness a bit, but the blisters proliferated and the redness did not subside. Might be partially due to other ingredients. I could not find one that didn't have either castor oil, petrolatum or other oils. ANY oil (except Tea Tree Oil) = FAIL. At least for me.

Vitamin E Oil - this was nice and soothing after using Tea Tree Oil or Apple Cider Vinegar, but - ANY OIL (except Tea Tree Oil)= FAIL. It would soothe the redness and rawness, but then I'd start over again with more blisters. Overall, I gave up on it for this condition.

Aloe vera gel (topical) - also stings. Helps the spots to feel better once the burning stops, but makes everything feel very tight and dry - need an emollient afterward, but at the time couldn't find anything. Helpful, but didn't cure anything.

Acidophillus - I've been taking acidophillus on a regular basis for years. I upped the dosage, but I didn't feel that this had any effect on my face.

Tea Tree Oil (TTO) - stings like crazy, but I could cope with that. It really helped by drying out the blisters. Definitely helped, but still never made it go away. Overall drying effect, so it didn't seem to contribute to new blisters, but it may since I couldn't seem to stop the blisters/dry & flaky cycle.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) -helped the most - stings, and very drying, but reduced the redness down to small spots.

I found TTO and ACV in tandem to be the most helpful in toning down the overall redness (after the initial burn, that is). I would alternate days using ACV and TTO as a "toner", using a small amount of a 20% Urea cream afterward (to combat the flaking and tightness - this was the ONLY thing that helped in that area without creating more blisters).

That got me into a more manageable cycle, BUT still the redness and flaking skin persisted. If I knocked off the ACV & TTO, the blisters would come back.

I decided to revisit some earlier advice from my acupuncturist. He said (back when this all started) that the area around the mouth (where it first showed up) is related to the intestines in Chinese Medicine. I'd tried elimination diets (dairy, meat, grains) throughout the summer and fall to no avail, and no appreciable effect.

So - my new strategy. I did 3 things simultaneously:

2 days ago:
I bought a huge jug of organic Aloe Vera juice (for drinking).
I took 4-5 oz twice a day (mixed with orange juice because it tastes better) to start with, along with some acidophillus (at the same time - the aloe helps with absorption as well as healing intestinal troubles).
I stopped the topical treatments of ACV and TTO, and now I just use a tiny amount of straight calendula cream (from a tube; not mixed in a lotion, but be careful - it's a bit oily!) mixed with 20% Urea cream to help with the dry/tight feeling.

I also finally found a really good, natural and fluoride and SLS free toothpaste at my health food store with Neem, TTO, activated oxygen and other good stuff.

It has been 2 days, and I've had the most dramatic change in the POD!

Literally, the redness is about 95% gone (in 2 days!), and the blisters are flaking off with clear, new skin underneath. A couple of the more severe areas are still a bit tender, but less red, and they're very like healing blemishes now. I can't even see it around my eyes anymore!

So - after all that, I'm recommending that all of you treat your tummy! Even if you don't think you have a problem, Aloe Vera Juice certainly can't hurt!
The acidophillus alone didn't do anything for me, which really isn't all that surprising if (as I surmise) I have a malabsorption problem (do you?), which prevents many things taken internally from working; prevents nutrient absorption, etc.

I'm not certain if it is one part of this latest regimen, or the whole thing together, but FINALLY I am getting some "love", and finally seeing some very promising results.

I'm going to keep going with 4-5 oz x 2/day of aloe juice (I bought a gallon of it for about $30; in Canada, that is), and I'll let you know how things go!

As an aside, I'm starting to think now that there are maybe 2 (or more) different kinds of POD - seems one can be "mite"/ topical parasite/ bacteria related, and one seems to be more connected with the stomach and intestines, based on the fact that there seem to be such wide ranging results for different people.
Any other thoughts or hypotheses on this?
Best of luck to everyone!


Erica (Ncentral, Ma) on 09/15/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

CALENDULA CREAM!!! I used the same brand as listed above, twice a day, and it has cleared it up amazingly!! I was also eating and applying (all organic) apple cider vinegar and yogurt and using coconut oil as a moisturizer for a while and i think it was keeping it at bay, keeping it from getting worse, but not clearing it up much. This is after having the condition since january, having gone on antibiotics two seperate times and it still coming back. CALENDULA IS AMAZING!

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Sally (Portland, Oregon) on 05/03/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

i have recently been struck with perioral dermatitis. i have no idea why, and have not been to a dermatologist to get diagnosed, but i am sure this is what it is. anyhow, 1st i would like to thank EC and ALL the people who post here, you are all so great! thanks for sharing! my treatment for this is: ACV on a cotton ball over the affected area, coconut oil, calendula and yogurt. the ACV burns a bit and causes some redness, but this subsides after a bit. the coconut oil is very moisturizing and soothing. calendula is also calming, moisturizing and sooting-california baby makes a superb calendula cream. putting regular plain organic yogurt on the area is also very cooling and soothing. i also drink ACV 3+ times daily diluted with water and eat a cup or so of yogurt and eat 3+ tbsp of coconut oil daily. this regimen works for me every time. and all of these things are really good for you and your skin. hope this helps! good luck!

HannaQueen (Portland, OR) on 04/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Ive had skin issues my whole life, and now all 4 of my daughters have excema as well. I moved to a small town with really hard water. It made all of us 10 times worst. We did everything you can think about. Here are a few things we have used and helped.
1. Use all natural lotions. no perfume/plant based.
2. Oatmeal bath. Take cheese cloth and put some oatmeal in it. Tie it close. Throw in your bath and use it to wash yourself. Very soothing.
3. All natural/plant based laundry soap, dish washing soap, laundry softener, soap bars, shampoo, etc. This will help out a lot.

We did this for 2 years and it kept the excema at bay. My 4 yr old started getting red spots under her arms, legs, and hair line. That was it, we had it. We moved into a larger ciy and the water was a lot softer. All red spots and itchy patches were gone within 1 week. If you have hard water, look into getting a filter on your faucets.

We believe in using all natural products instead of using steroid creams or harsh ointments. It really is a life style change but its better for you and your skin. So eat healthy, and use healthy items. Good luck.

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Christine (Lynd, MN) on 04/19/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I have had my first (and very bad) case of perioral dermatitis for the past 12 weeks. After being treated with various antibiotics and antivirals, and two forms of steroid creams I continue to go through period of extreme inflammation around my mouth mainly---very itchy, uncomfortable and spreading to cheeks. After reading various suggestions on this web page, I found that this remedy seems to have nearly cleared up my rash/itchiness in 3 days times. Here is what I've done:

- Roll of soft paper towels so that I wouldn't have to risk infection from washcloths/towels---I dab my face dry wit the paper towels, while avoiding scratching, rubbing,scrubbing, etc.

- Three times/day I go through the following steps:
1) Rinse my face with cool water and dab dry with paper towel.
2) Use cotton ball to dab face with Apple Cider Viniger (ACV) (stings, turn red for about 10-15 minutes)
3) Combine organic yogurt (2 TBLS) with three opened Grape Seed Extract capsules. Spread over face and neck. Feels cool, refreshing, soothing skin after ACV use. I wear face mask until it dries completely. Rinse luke warm, then cool water. Dab dry with paper towel.
4) Smooth expellor pressed Organic Coconut Oil over face. (I continue to use the coconut oil periodically throughout the day.)

1) Drink plenty of water.
2) Drink 5 glasses of combination of vegetable/fruit juices (without sugar added).
3) Take two capsules of Grape Seed Extract.
4) Other supplements: B-vitamin complex; vitamin D; Lysine.
5) Cut way back on refined sugar.
6) Limit coffee to 1 cup/day.
7) Drink tea ---green tea and Yerba Matte---throughout day.
8) Cut out nuts--almonds, peanuts, etc.-- till face clears up.
9) Eat LOTS of organic yogurt (without sugar added).
10) Get plenty of sleep.

*I also make sure to keep my hands off of my face and wash my hands very often!

Hope this helps!



Bee (Portland, OR) on 03/30/2009:
4 out of 5 stars

I have had dermatitis for years now. I have not been formally diagnosed due to a lack of insurance as a student - but my older sister had/has the same issue and she has been formally diagnosed.

It began around my 29th year. My sister thought she was being helpful when she gave be a steroid that cleared up her PD. It worked! But... it also made the PD worse. My PD was clear if I used the steroid every day and when I stopped, the PD expanded. She told me to stop as soon as she learned that these steroids make things worse.

I tried the ACV and didn't have much luck. Although I didn't probably give it enough time. drinking the stuff was impossible and during outbreaks, it stings.

Months ago my school doctor prescribed a topical antibiotic called Ethromycen, which worked, but left my hands with an orange tint and an odor. After stopping use, the PD came back.

I am now learning about Witch Hazel, Emu Oil and Neem Oil and leaves. It seems to be working a bit, but I think I will add the daily probiotics and reintroduce the ACV.

I have a feeling the PD is related to inflammation. Neem is an anti-flammatory. Emu Oil is transdermal, which means it can pass through the layers of skin, offering more healing. And Witch Hazel is a gentle, natural toner.

I hope my experience offers some help to the conversation.


Rashy (Wayzata, MN) on 02/01/2009:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I've had recurring perioral dermatitis, as well as hormonal acne, for years. After taking antibiotics off and on for the last 20 years to clear up my skin, I went to a natural health practitioner for help. This was two years ago--I took an antifungal tincture, apple cider vinegar, and spanish black radish, as well as a multivitamin. These things really helped, and I was antibiotic-free for 2 years.

The perioral dermatitis reappeared three months ago (could have been a variety of triggers--dietary changes, season, cosmetics, hormonal) and I've been using natural methods to treat it--and nothing has worked. I stopped eating dairy, eggs, soy and wheat. I switched back to a natural toothpaste, and I switched to a dermatologist-recommended mineral makeup (and only use it to cover the rash on occasion!). I took ACV and applied it topically. I used tea tree oil, too. Nothing worked and the rash has gotten much worse.

I finally gave up and went back to the derm for topical and oral antibiotics--that was four days ago and I'm hoping it will clear up!


Andrea (Westminster, CO) on 03/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 30 F I have had perioral dermatitis as long as I can remember. I have been searching for a cure, I almost gave up by getting a prescription for Tetracycline but I have read the side effects of taking it are so bad. I also found people with perioral dermatitis have had success with a prescription vitamin called Nicomide which is 750 mcg of Niacinamide (amide of Niacin or B3), 500 mcg of Folic Acid, 1.5 mg Copper and 50 mg Zinc. SO, after I tried apple cider vinegar topically and it made my rash raw like chapped lips and very itchy, I went to the vitamin store and bought what I could find of the vitamins in Nicomide. I have been on 500mcg of Niacinamide, B complex w/ 400 mcg of Folic Acid and 50 mg Zinc for 3 days and my perioral dermatitis is under control I can still see a little redness but, it doesn't itch and there are no bumps or blisters. I have also been using Cetaphil to wash my face and Eucerin to moisturize and Aquaphor at night. I am very pleased that this worked for me.
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