Essential Oils for Perioral Dermatitis

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Theresa (Texas) on 08/14/2018
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you so much - I read your post and tried this and I was amazed!! I tried this and couldn't believe the difference the very next morning after applying it the night before. Today is just my second day using the oil but I am so relieved that it is working. I am so thankful I saw this post of yours!!
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Pfrac (Tucson, Az) on 01/14/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I've had PD on my nose and eyebrow for 6 months. Applied a mixture of lavender oil, tea tree oil, and grape seed oil 3 days ago. It's almost gone. Saw results with in 12 hours.

  • 15 drops of lavender oil
  • 15 drops of tea tree oil
  • 3 table spoons of grape seed oil

mix well

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Catherine (Southampton, New York) on 02/19/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I have posted on this site before. Been battling Perioral dermatitis for years. I saw imporvement with low sugar diet and calendula cream but could never knock it out totally. I am thrilled to announce I am cured. I had read an article about how scientists were experimenting with Oil of Oregano to kill MRSA and that it worked. I figured if it worked on MRSA why not try it on whatever is lurking in my skin. I bought a little bottle and put a few drops into a tablespoon of olive oil and then rubbed it on my chin. I saw results by the next day and it is now it as been 2 months and has not come back regardless of what sugar & junk I eat. I only used the Oil for about 3 days. All those years of doxy and minocycline and experimenting with creams and diets and it's now gone! I can't believe it. It's important to get Oil of Oregano that was grown in the Mediterreanean. It should have Cavacrol in it, look for one with the biggest percentage of Cavacrol you can find. Do not apply directly to skin, it will burn. Less is more in this case. Add to olive oil and it will not burn.
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Supersam (Lakevilla, Il) on 10/01/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I wanted to share my experience a little.. I Found out I had PD about 2 years ago. My skin is sensitive skin I have a sun allergy and acne not bad but I do have it. When I first got PD I thought it was just a heat rash so I used benadryl and cortizone.. Over a couple weeks it was so bad spread all around my mouth.. I was very embarressed. I tried several creams and nothing worked so I finally saw my derm.. She gave me a steriod cream, topical cream, and antibiotics. Within 4 weeks I was completly clear. I had some minor breakouts but they just went away.

Now about 2 weeks ago it just flared it was so angry it started spreading fast. I lost my insurance so my only option was home remedies. After lots of research this is what I did... I tried to cut SLS and floride out but thats almost impossible when you dont make alot of money. So when I brush my teeth I use baking soda and peroxide and every couple days I would use a regular toothpaste. I would take a wet wash cloth and press it to the rash and lightly brush it helps with the dry skin. Then I would get a Q-tip and wet it and pour tea tree oil on it, I put it all over the rash twice a day(if it doesnt sting alittle then there is not enough) The first day it still looked horrible and it really dries out your skin, but by day 3 it looked and felt so much better. Also the ladies at my moms salon told her to only use shampoo once every 2 weeks and only use conditioner instead and just scrub like its shampoo it helps with split end and crap. Shampoo that is SLS free is very expensive and I would have to order it online, so I started just using conditioner.... I started all of these things (Wet cloth, tea tree oil, aveno, and only conditioner on Monday and today is Sunday and it is 98% gone its not red and I still have a light dryness, But I will wet the cloth again and put aveno extra dry skin on it and it helps and if you are anything like me I tried to cover it with makeup which is not good but I found this guy that I really really like him and Im still alittle embarressed to tell him, He would be sweet about it I know this but I just try to cover it up. So I would shower and use the cloth in the shower, and right when I got out I would put the aveno on and let it settle, Then I would put my cover up on. It helped me feel better about it... So I know this is long but I really hope it helps everyone like it did to me. Good luck eveyone

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Donna (Palm Coast, Fl) on 03/07/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I am sure adding the lavender to the calendula oil I was already using has (followed by calming creme) helped tremendously! It has really toned down the redness in just a day and a half. For me it seems to be that missing link I was looking for!

Diane (Ottumwa, Ia) on 08/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Yes on Oregano Oil for POD. Definitely try it. It works, and it is the only thing that worked on this particular breakout. I had tried everything else I could think of in the broad spectrum antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitcal range. My dermatitis was red bumps, with copius amounts of thick flakes of skin. They felt like small scabs. Not itchy, but very unsightly. I mixed a 50/50 mixture of oregano oil and castor oil, and applied it topically 5 times per day. Do not apply staight oregano oil to your skin, you'll burn it and things will be worse. You can probably use any oil as a carrier oil, but the castor oil is thick and keeps the scales from lifting rapidly. Coconut oil made the scales of skin just peel off too quickly. For this particular dermatitis breakout I had previously tried: GSE, colloidal siver, coconut oil, neem, ACV, zinc pyrithine, coal tar shampoo, borax, 3% hydrogen peroxide, MSM, DMSO, borage oil, borage oil, terbinifine cream and miconazole cream, all applied topically, all good things to try. Nothing worked on this particular peri-oral dermatitis. I had the rash for about 2 months, the previous treatments I tried did not get rid of it or made it worse. By the way, I also take probiotics, B-complex, and follow a very healthy diet with zero sugar. If I get another rash, I'll try oregano oil first. Hope this helps someone. GTLA
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Moira (Minneapolis, Mn) on 12/28/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I mix 4 drops of Oregano Oil mixed with two table spoons of coconut oil to thin it out since the oregano oil would burn the skin if used straight. This could be mixed a little stronger, but is working well for me at this strength. I keep this mixture in a warm spot to keep the coconut oil liquid.

I have been applying this to my perioral dermatitis many times a day and my POD has just about disappeared... it is fading extremely fast. Some patches are completely gone. All bumps are gone and no new bumps have erupted since I started this about 5 days ago.

I had previously used raw honey - which helped but did not control. I had also tried plain coconut oil which didn't help much. I am thrilled!!!


Beverly (Garland, TX) on 05/19/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Perioral Dermititis - tea tree oil (remedy): After a period of great stress (wedding, honeymoon, new home, new job and the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays), I found little bumps near my mouth. I figured it would go away on its own, as it didn't hurt. When I found myself in the doctor's office for another problem, I inquired about the "rash" and he diagnosed it as sensitivity to facial creams, advised to go back to a brand that didn't irritate me and wrote a prescription for 2% hydrocortisone cream (anti-itch cream). I declined to fill the prescription, instead using the over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream I already owned. Later, the area began to itch occasionally. Dissatisfied with the results I received applying the cream, I researched online for more information, saw pictures of perioral dermititis and with more research, discovered that doctors were not united on how to treat it. In my cosmetics drawer, I had a little bottle of pure tea tree oil. Out of curiosity, I re-read the label for what skin conditions it treats. On the label, it claimed to treat "dermititis." So I began mixing one drop with the small drop of 1% hydrocortisone cream and applying it to the affected area twice daily. I also stopped using any creams, lotions or soaps on the area during treatment. I have been applying this treatment twice daily for two and a half months now and it is almost completely gone. The redness disappeared relatively quickly, but the bumps are taking a little longer. This treatment helped me; I hope it may help someone else!
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Shannon (Stillwater, OK) on 04/21/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have been battling perioral dermatitis for about 6 months. I went to a dermatologist and was put on minocycline, which did clear it up. After 3 months of taking the medication, my doctor put me on doxycycline, due to concerns about negative side effects of long term use of minocycline. I could not tolerate the doxycycline, it made me nauseous and just made me feel weird, so I quit taking it and decided to look for a natural treatment. I found this website and began using a combination of remedies. I began taking pro-biotics, and evening primrose oil. I began washing my face with apple cider vinegar and baking soda. I also used evening primrose oil topically on the area of dermatitis. It seemed to be ok, until I got a cold. The area of dermatitis is around my nose, and blowing my nose constantly while I had the cold irritated it. The dermatitis began to spread.

I found a post somewhere about using tea tree oil. I had an old jar of Desert Essence Tea Tree ointment, so I began using it. I have used it for 4 days now, keeping the area covered constantly with the ointment, and the dermatitis is almost gone! It looks as good as it did when I was on minocycline. I think the probiotics and evening primrose capsules that I am taking may be helping too, but the tea tree oil was my "magic bullet." I have noticed that when I drink alcohol, the area becomes more inflamed. I'm not sure if this is due to dehydration, or the destruction of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract.

I want to mention too that I have been under a great amount of stress, trying to finish grad school,and the dermatitis appeared during this time. I really believe stress and unhealthy eating habits/drinking alcohol contributed to the problem.

I hope this helps someone else out there. I love this website!