Antifungal Lotion for Perioral Dermatitis

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Carmen (Chicago, Il) on 12/24/2012
4 out of 5 stars

Thank you for posting this! I thought I had correctly self-diagnosed myself with perioral dermatitis, as my story was very similar to everyone else on these boards (whole life of perfect skin, then recurring outbreaks around the mouth to create a 'muzzle' effect with increasing frequency) and it became so bad at one point that the moisturizer and makeup I put on top of the rash became a staph infection. So I had to take antibiotics for the infection, then I had a severe alllergic reaction which caused my face to swell up to alarming proportions. So then I was put on a 6 day steroid pack, which worked wonders for both the rash and the swelling, but a few days after I finished the pack, my face rash symptoms came back. On the verge of despair, I saw this post and decided to try some clotrimazole on the affected areas. While the effect wasn't amazingly immediate, the areas did feel less itchy and irritated than they had before, so I continued putting the cream on several times throughout the day. Now, 2 1/2 days later, the rash is about 85 percent better and I'm hoping that by tomorrow I will be fully (or almost) better again. So I encourage you to try the antifungal cream, especially if, like me, your symptoms were less papule-oriented and more dry/flaky/red.

Thanks again!

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Wini (Mississauga, Canada) on 11/16/2011
4 out of 5 stars

Hello All, If any one wants a dramatic result. Go buy an over the counter yeast infection kit (3 day monistate) the one with the 3 "egg" type pill things. Cut it open and apply to the affected area. In about 2-4 days the redness and flaky skin will look almost 100% better. While this is only a "bandaid" solution it will clear up the skin if you have an event to go to. Other than that this needs to be treated from inside the body. I myself have suffered from this for years!!! It is so annoying to say the least. While the yeast infection kit is a new thing that I just thought of and tried (with great results) I would say diet and stress level is 100% responsible for this pesky face problem. Also while it is frowned upon, I find that tanning indoors helps out my face a lot. Other than that pretty much what every one else on here is saying is the best solution. Just want to say that this worked for me and I hope it works for everyone, again the monistate thing is a "bandaid" solution ONLY.