Acidophilus for Perioral Dermatitis

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Jennifer (Nj) on 07/22/2014
5 out of 5 stars

My son is much better. We used Black Clay soap once everyday. Then immediately moisturized with Raw shea butter. Still stay away from certain foods esp starches and sugar. Keeping up with healthy probiotics and drinking and washing with spring water. Most days it's not much of anything even totally clear, but some days he gets red in two areas under his nose & gets maybe 2 random derm spots look like tiny pimples. We think he will slowly get rid of it so patience is key but going Natural was everything! Gonna try a little GSE and ACV see if there's any difference. Thanks to all the advice he's looking great!

Nicola (Wexford, Ireland) on 05/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Thank You Sooooooooo Much. I was trying all sorts of creams and everything and nothing was working! I felt so disgusting and ugly that I didn't want to leave the house- it has lasted weeks and weeks!!

So I got natural goats yogurt, and opened an acidophilus tablet and mixed it in, and put a bit of it on my face as a face mask, and ate the rest. It dried in pretty well as I did a thin layer so I slept with it on- In the morning there was a notable difference!! I've done this for the last 3 days/ nights as often as I can- I'm still wearing make-up when I go out and in work etc. - but I wash my face as soon as I get home and put on my new face mask!
I'm also taking 3 x Acidophilus tablets (ie. swallowing) everyday and my digestion has massively improved, which is a big helper in getting rid/ detoxing this rash off my face.

I'm also taking the Biotin, which I read here.

I hadn't realised how bad my bowel movements had been (maybe every second day), but since I started the Acidophilus they are at least if not twice a day- sorry for TMI- but I think it's rather important for this rash- the digestive system seems to need to be in order from what I'm getting from the cures that are working.

When it's dry before I put on make-up I'm using raw coconut oil before my foundation (just in case theres any other women like me who can't leave house without make-up! )

The rash is almost gone completely! Thank You Earth Clinic & contributors!!! I LOVE you!


Lisa (Miami, Fl) on 06/20/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Try taking an acidophilus pill along with a biotin pill for perioral dermatitis. It has worked wonders for me. I don't even need makeup anymore! I have suffered from PD for over 10 years! I have finally found something that works without giving up fluoride, sls products and all the other crazy things that dematologists claim to cause it. Really simple - 2 OTC vitamins Biotin and Acidophillus! See what it says on webmd for biotin deficiency.....

"There isn't a good laboratory test for detecting biotin deficiency, so this condition is usually identified by its symptoms, which include thinning of the hair (frequently with loss of hair color) and red scaly rash around the eyes, nose, and mouth. " (

Does this sound familiar to anyone? I suffer from occasional alopecia but somehow none of the three - yes 3 - dermatologists I have seen were able to figure this out. One dermatologist prescribed minocylline which I must admit completed cleared it but it is quite expensive and very difficult for insurance companies to approve. Also, it will return as it is not permanent. I have tried everything and this is the best my facial skin has looked in over 10 years! I am so happy that I had to share this with anyone who will read....


Peggy (Rutledge, TN) on 04/18/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I looked at the options available from this site and thought I would try the yogurt versus the acv. Mainly I couldn't understand burning your face as a natural treatment. I have dealt with this off and on for three years, usually in the winter months. However, this year I could not get rid of it. I have perioral dermatitis and the lesions just kept reappearing even though I had followed my previous solutions, such as removing SLS products from usage, washing with only dove soap, not using makeup on my face. I refuse to take tetracycline and a natural product was my only option. I tried the yogurt and acidopholis and within 2 days there had been an amazing transformation. You can hardly see the lesions, the redness is totally gone, the dry flakiness is non existent and you really have to look to see any remnants of the dermatitis. I highly recommend this and would recommend it to anyone. Why burn your face (which by the way is causing further damage to your skin) when you can get a nice cool mask, is fairly cheap, and you can pick the product up at your local grocery store. Just be sure you choose the organic plain yogurt.

Holly (Boone, NC) on 05/20/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I have struggled with perioral dermatitis until I heard about it being possibly a yeast infection and to use yogurt on the face. Of all the remedies I tried this worked the best completely getting rid of the PD. I simply put a "yogurt mask" on my face once a day and within two weeks the PD was gone. I also consumed more probiotics through supplements and fermented foods. Thought I would pass it on.

B (Attica, IN) on 12/10/2006
5 out of 5 stars

After being diagnosed with IBS and perioral dermatitis I knew I had to make a change. I did my research and talked to a few people at the health food stores and then added probiotic acidophilus to my diet. The first week I took 2 times the recommended amount, the second week I cut it down the recommended amount and then have stayed on that amount rather well the past 10 years. It has fixed all the problems with my skin as well as my digestinal tract. All the diseases of the body start in the stomach and colon, the acidophilus either in capsule form or yogurt help correct this imbalance. By fixing the imbalance, everything else falls in line. My skin is beautiful now. I would recommend this to any one suffering from any skin lesions and digestive problems.