Hungary Water for Osteoarthritis

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Rob (Kentucky) on 01/18/2024:
5 out of 5 stars

Hungary Water for Osteoarthritis of the Hands

I have found this formula to be helpful with pain and arthritis in my hands.

Hungary water (sometimes called "the Queen of Hungary's Water", Eau de la Reine de Hongary, or "spirits of rosemary") was one of the first alcohol-based perfumes/liniment/elixir in Europe, primarily made with rosemary. The oldest surviving recipes call for distilling fresh rosemary and thyme with brandy (vodka modern way), while later formulations contain wine, lavender, mint, sage, marjoram, costus (true ginger), orange blossom and lemon.

According to legend, it was formulated at the command of the Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, sometimes identified as Queen Isabella of Hungary or in one document "Saint Elisabeth, Queen of Hungary". Some sources say that a hermit, witch or monk-recluse first gave it to the Queen of Hungary, though most likely it was made by a monk-alchemist or a band of roaming gypsies. The water was given to the queen in order to help her headaches, and is a cure for rheumatism or gout which the queen suffered in her old age or as a rejuvenation treatment. These legends mostly date to the early to mid-17th century, so the details may have become confused in the intervening centuries.

Ingredients: (Original Recipe from 1370 A.D.)

  • 4 tablespoon rosemary
  • 4 tablespoon thyme
  • Vodka (750ml – 80 proof) to cover


1. Pour all the herbs into a one quart widemouthed glass mason jar

2. Add vodka to jar; close the jar tight and let it sit in a warm spot for 6 weeks or longer shaking occasionally (Hippocrates states both herbs must be steeped for a minimal of 6 weeks)

3. Strain out the herbs with a fine mesh – try and get all the bits out

4. Re-bottle the mixture and store in a cool, dry place

How to use:

I put this mixture into a spray bottle and spray topically on my hands at nite before bed. You will see a huge difference in your hands if repeated daily. The early recipes advise the user to also drink the tonic (though I would definitely say that you check with your doctor on that first! ).

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