Dietary Changes for Osteoarthritis

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Iowama (Usa) on 03/22/2018:
5 out of 5 stars

Michael, I hope what I write can help you as much as it has helped me.

When I first started daily use of a tea made with ACV, it helped. I was in my early 50s then and had ended a career in hands on horticulture. I too woke up with aching hands in the night. I'm closer to 60 now and no longer drink that tea, because other things have helped more. I make bone broth to drink and to cook with. I really believe in that broth as a great help for arthritis! I strive to eat no sugar, gluten, or soy. I only eat Irish butter (higher fat content than US butter) and some goat products for dairy, but am cognizant that too much dairy can cause inflammation. I try to eat 7-9 cups of colored vegetables or berries per day. drink plenty of water, and limit alchohol. I take a B complex, magnesium, potassium, CoQ10, and an eye vitamin each day. I seem to be getting the needed minerals by using pink salt. If I wake up at night, my palms do feel a bit knotted, but I continue to work with my hands each day and am, basically, pain free.

For me, there was no single supplement that did the trick; just the overhaul of my diet. When people on this site speak of Alkalizing the body for health, this is what they mean.

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