Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses for Osteoarthritis

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Om (Hope, B.c., Canada) on 06/28/2013:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Michael, I have had that problem for most of my life, my hands becoming extremely painful as it progressed. Guess what! It is gone. For many years I have treasured the booklets on Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) by Bragg, and on Blackstrap Molasses (BSM) by Dr. Lust with all that wonderful info.

Osteoartrithis is, in the books of alternative meds. Due to lack of minerals. Anyway, I love BSM and for almost three months took a large tbsp. Diluted in hot water twice a day, drinking with a straw. After almost twelve weeks my pain was gone for over four years. ACV is essential to remove calcium deposits from the joints according to Dr. Lust and these two remedies should be taken together. BSM has lots of minerals and natural iron. Prescribed iron will bring problems such viral invasions according to my experience, but not natural iron content.

According to Bragg, ACV should be taken with a tsp. of honey (or BSM) for the valuable minerals which have not been assessed so far. Honey is not straight sugar. It has been used to cure diabetes if used over time in daily doses.

So, this is my experience. Even though I have diabetes, I am using BSM daily for its invaluable benefits. Anyway, this is another subject. It comes to mind that, a couple of years ago, Opra told everyone to take BSM. So there you are.

I wish you a speedy recovery and keep in touch on EC. Om

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