Grape Seed Oil for Neuropathy

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Roger S (Nsw) on 07/25/2018
5 out of 5 stars

A few years ago I read on a discussion forum type thing like this one but have not been able to find the right references. Anyhow, I read where people with peripheral neuropathy (Soles) rubbed in grapeseed OIL before bed and in the morning it was gone. Well, I tried it. In the Morning feet were the same. Next night again. Nothing Next night nothing. Bugger! I thought about it, found it was omega 6. Not the healthiest drink and thought why not. My feet are killing me, even walking on raised ripples in wet sand.

Got a bottle of organic, cold pressed grapeseed oil and drank a big swig straight from the bottle. 3 X a day. The third day no change. 4th morning got out of bed and could not believe it. My sole pain was ABSOLUTELY GONE!! I had 550 ml left from a 1 liter bottle so it worked out that I took 50ml each swig. My soles felt tender with not a tinge of pain and felt like the baby's bottom.

I never took any more from that moment on and it was gone for over a year or more. I could walk on any surface with ease. It came back eventually so slowly that after a couple of years I am about to repeat it.