Gluten-free Diet for Neuropathy

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Lily (Kelowna, British Columbia) on 01/14/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Gluten-Free Diet for Neuropathy

Research ideopathic gluten sensitivity. I have had relief from kicking gluten from my diet!! I tried all the other stuff & got some relief BUT this was relief and it happened within days of being diligent about NO GLUTEN.

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Laura (Erie, Co) on 11/07/2012
5 out of 5 stars

This is a followup to my previous post, and I am happy to report that a gluten-free diet has allowed my nerve damage to heal!

Long story short, it turns out that I am gluten intolerant. The main symptom was peripheral neuropathy, no IBS or anything like that.

In the last 6 months, my nerve damage has healed, and I have stopped taking the supplements. I also note that some of the supplements contain gluten so I had to adjust that.

I now take no supplements, I am simply very strict gluten free. Even inhaling flour while baking or crumbs in the toaster will cause a reaction with the same foot pain and extreme fatigue of before. I do, however, recover within 24 hrs of any accidental exposure.

To anybody who is or believes they are gluten sensitive, and concerned about being tempted by gluten foods, I promise, if you go gluten-free and start feeling better, you will NOT be tempted by that stuff. You will look at donuts and cakes and see nothing but a pile of poison......

Again, I believe that acetyl-L-carnitine and R-lipoic acid helped with my nerve damage, but be careful about making sure you find gluten-free products.

REPLY   7      

Deb (Wloo, Ia) on 10/27/2011
5 out of 5 stars

My ex had severe neuropathy and many more problems. He decided to go on his diet as he found out that he was a celiac at age 55 but didn't bother to follow the diet. :) He finally tried his gluten free diet at 61 and after just two days he felt much better. Now three years later he is 99% better. Doesn't have acid reflux, brain fog, out of breath, tired, pain in feet and legs.