Chiropractic Adjustments for Neuropathy

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Bobbie (Rowlett, Tx) on 10/23/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, my name is Bobbie and I am suffering from neuropathy and sciatica in the same leg at the same time and it has been in painful situation. I finally starting getting relief when I went to see a chiropractor. I went to one that did adjustments only with a couple of tables and the adjustments started to help but after a month on of the doctors there told me that I needed a different type of treatment and told me to go to another office that had more equipment and different treatments so I did.

After the first treatment I started to feel better and after the second treatment the sciatica pain was gone almost completely but I still had some burning and numbness from the neuropathy. The third treatment got me a good night's sleep, which I hadn't had in months.

Before going to the chiropractor I used DSMO which helped at first and then it made things worse. I took turmeric daily which helped some but it takes months to get enough in your system to do what is needed. I tried a lot of other things on this site but I am not a patient person and wanted a right now cure so I move on to something else.

I am sticking with the chiropractor because I felt results with the first, second, third, etc.... The low back pain, buttock pain, feet and hand tingling, numbness and burning are down to annoying, the shooting and intense pain are annoying and I can sleep on and off and I am not crying.

As I read some of the other comments I see that some things works for others but not all so I hope this will help some of you. I will post again as I progress.