Caused By Antibiotics for Neuropathy


Showing Side Effects Reviews

Preston (MA) on 08/08/2021
0 out of 5 stars

I have peripherals neuropathy from the antibiotic Levaquin..It took several years to determine this as dr's told me it's idiopathic which means they don't know where it came from...There are several drugs called fluoroquinolones that can cause neuropathy...I haven't yet met a dr who knows this..The drugs are CIPRO, LEVAQUIN, AVELOX, FLOXIN NOROXI, FLOXACIN...DO NOT TAKE THESE DRUGS NO MATTER WHAT YOUR DR SAYS..IT'S YOUR HEALTH NOT HIS/HERS.ANY SPECIAL REMEDIES FOR THIS KIND OF NEUROPATHY..I HAVE TRIED MANY THINGS...These drugs were made for cancer as they are chemotherapy..They didn't work so the Drug companies relabeled them as ANTIBIOTICS..NICE HUH?? I went to a dr with food poisoning lost 30 pounds in 4 days and he put me on Levaquin..HUGE MISTAKE ON MY PART TAKING THEM