Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema

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Paseuth (North St Paul, US) on 11/07/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing! I am a medical interpreter and remembered one time a podiatrist telling one patient to use apple cider vinegar for his foot. I started to developed dyshidrotic eczema on my hands and feet. It is probably because of stress, allergy, or drinking coffee. I will never know. After using Apple Cider Vinegar for couple of days, I was very happy about the result. Thank you so much.
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Mark (Owego. Ny/usa) on 10/24/2014
5 out of 5 stars

O k folks... I'll be brief. Had CRAZY outbreak of ECZEMA.. Did nothing more than clean gently... And used cheap"ACV!!! Drank it 3 times/day & applied several times TOPICALY.. Little over 12hrs.... AMAZING IMPROVEMENTS!!! Itching subsided FAST... INFLAMMATION took cple. Hrs. Almost healing... BEFORE MY EYES!!! Absolutely AMAZING!!! Dont think about it... JUST DO IT!!! Cheap & it WORKS... Period!!!
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Eidonr (Philippines) on 09/07/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have been suffering from these rashes on my feet for about 6 yrs. I tried all the ointments being suggested by everyone about curing foot problems like "athlete's foot" since that's what I thought I have been having. Just recently, I came across youtube about these same symptoms I have which causes some rash.. It produces blisters then pops up, dries and eventually peel off and leave my skin cracked. Then I knew I have eczema.

Sometimes I couldn't walk coz the blisters hurt. I have to pop it up to feel some relieve but of course, it will damage the area and will turn out to be an ugly skin irritation. So, a boy on youtube posted several progressive videos about his experience making "eczema" disappear. He suggested ACV. I watched him closely and til I watched his 9th video, his face got cleared for about 85%!

I know he's having it on his face, and I have it on my feet, but I wanted to try it. So I did. I bought this Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey which contains the "mother". Some suggested an organic, unfiltered ones but they said they you have to use some honey. So I got the one that both has it.

Today is September 8, 2014. I first applied it last night on the affected areas. It somewhat stung. But felt good after few mins. Then I tried the diet. 2 tablespoons mixed into a glass of water. Then I went to bed. When I woke up early today, some areas got so red but it didn't hurt. Some areas seem to become clearer. The ones that are about to develop in becoming a blister, seemed to stop.

Now as of this writing, after the whole day, my feet stopped from itching and the redness slowly disappeared. I couldn't express the happiness I am feeling right now! I know that the ACV is working and I couldn't wait to give a testimony about it!

Guys, try it! And don't miss a day in medication for fast result. I love ACV! I LOVE EARTHCLINIC.COM! Thank you so much!

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Raffy (San Diego) on 07/27/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I have my eczema for about 8years. After trying all the recommended meds by professional not even single meds works for me. But one day when I diluted 50/50 vinegar and tap water and apply into affected area just for two times application day and night then using virgin oil day and night my eczema has been gone.
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Renata (Chicago, Il) on 09/05/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hey guys, thanks so much for all these wonderful reviews! My eczema is gone! I have struggled with this eczema for about 3 years now. It appeared on my hands and it was awful since I work with children and I have to wash often my hands. Last Thursday I read about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) used externally and I applied it on my hands before going in the bed. By morning I could see noticeable signs. Unbelievable! Friday I did the same thing a couple of times during the day and then hydrating the skin with natural oils (coconut, olive etc). Friday night I could see a major improvement. I am on a glute-free Vegan diet and I also drink 2 tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water and raw honey for taste. Every day I prepare a large glass of vegetable juice from green veggies (parsley, cilantro, kale, cucumber and zuchini, celery, apple for taste). I eat at least 2 plums a day for a better digestion. I have bought an enema bag from amazon to detox my body. So far, I feel fantastic and my eczema is gone in less than a week! . None of those oinments cortizone, triamcinolon, fluocionide etc did not work as the ACV. I am so happy!!
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Susan (Chicago, Illinois) on 07/14/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi! This is Susan from Chicago, I previously posted 8/7/2010 and wanted to update my post.... I have been eczema free since posting about my ACV use in 2010. My eczema was dyshidrotic (little blisters which would break and be raw, heal as severely dry skin and then start cycle again). I cannot stress enough how using the ACV topically CURED me (going on 3 years). After a month of application, I have not had to use it since. My life has changed. I can bathe my children, do dishes, see my patients without feeling embarassed. Please try it if you have dyshidrotic eczema, it can't hurt. I used plain old grocery store ACV 50/50 with distilled water twice a day for a month and the eczema I suffered with for 40 years is completely gone :)
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Arlene (Jekyll Island, Ga) on 04/01/2013
5 out of 5 stars

ACV worked for my eczema. I applied it to the itchy rash on my hands and between my fingers and in a few days the rash was dried up and gone. Thank you for all your wonderful feedback and emails.

Lkforster (Olympia, Wa) on 02/25/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider Vinegar for Excema/Dermatitis: I have never quite known the name of my skin problems, nor gotten a proper diagnosis. But here's the gist: severe itching of the hands, followed by small blisters, the blisters break, then the skin itself cracks and peels. Once the skin somewhat heals? Repeat cycle. This went on for 15 years, in varying degrees, with little respite-whenever I got rid of it for a short period of time, it would rear its ugly head again some time later. And it was ugly, believe me... Showing off your new engagement ring on a hand that looks like it was chewed by a dog detracts from your overall happiness in life. I'm not trying to be dramatic, it just really did suck.

About four years ago, I had gone a pretty significant length of time without any significant problems-then, one night, I awoke to the horrible itching in my hands, and by morning my hands were blistered and painful. That's when I got online, and discovered Earth Clinic-I was looking for ANYTHING that might help. The first remedy I tried was apple cider vinegar-I had some in my pantry already, and figured it wouldn't do any damage. On the contrary, it did wonders! I applied it directly to a cotton ball, which I then applied directly to my skin-it stung like a #$%@^, but seemed to immediately work. The blisters that had already cracked dried up, and the ones that had yet to open receeded. After applying the vinegar for several days, maybe a week, my skin showed no signs of distress. I haven't had an issue since then-if I see any kind of flare up, I apply the apple cider vinegar, and it immediately disappears.

I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease last year, which I now think was the possible cause of my skin problems. However, I went three years prior to my diagnosis with relatively no skin problems because of the apple cider vinegar. I recently began drinking a tablespoon in a glass of water twice daily, and I think it helps with digestion too. Try it... It certainly won't hurt, and you may be surprised at how well it works!

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Su (Victoria, Canada) on 01/26/2013
5 out of 5 stars

ACV saved my life. I had a very mild case of eczema over my body, but my face was a total disaster. After reading the above comments and replies, yesterday I bought an organic ACV with "mother" and applied 50/50 ratio on my face and hands. Overnight, the marks, the redness and itching has disappeared. I was soo happy when I looked at my face today morning, and believe me, I haven't felt happy like that in a long time. Unlike some commenters, it did not frizzle and hurt like hell (I dont know why) but agree with the smell factor. Since I have a very oily skin, I applied aloe right after instead of coconut oil. I think it soothed the skin a lot. I want to thank all of you for suggesting ACV.. It is definitely a gift from mother nature for all of us who suffer.... :)
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Grace (London, UK) on 12/02/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I am so grateful for this wonderful website. Thank you so much! This site is truly an amazing resource.

Apple Cider Vinegar is amazing!

I have had constant eczema on my face for well over a month now which was spreading and looking very unsightly. I tried everything: applying topically very high concentration cortisone cream, coconut oil, aloe vera, E45 which is a cream that contains uric acid, bleach (which I do not recommend it just burnt my skin), salt, shea butter and more.

When I first tried the ACV it did not work because I applied it neat this burnt my skin too much. However I tried again this time I diluted 50% ACV and 50% water. When I first applied it in the evening my skin itched, tingled, the eczema turned red and patches even turned white and fizzled. I did this once more before going to bed. The next day it was a bit better but it appeared to have spread as if it was trying to escape the treatment. I almost gave up but did not I persevered and applied again that morning.

Once again the skin turned red and white patches sizzled. That day the eczema looked like it was slowly drying up although the skin was still red and irritated. Once again I did not know whether to continue. However I did and cotton-swabbed the mixture of ACV and water twice more onto the affected area. I also cleaned my face with the leftovers, using it as a toner and noticed my complexion looked brighter.

This morning on the third day of this ACV treatment the eczema is much improved. It has not disappeared as yet but it is so much better and I can see the treatment is working and slowly but surely drying out my eczema! Very happy and relieved.

Of course I am aware that eczema is caused by underlying internal problems so I am not only treating externally but getting to the root of the problem. I had been on a detox diet and when I stopped this the eczema came back so now I know I have to cut out all wheat, dairy, gluten, eggs, sugars (apart from a few berries), red meat and limit citrus fruits as oranges and lemons can also cause eczema. I will eat a diet rich in vegetables in order to keep my system alkaline.

Thanks again earth clinic for another amazing remedy! This is the best site ever.

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