Juicing for Neck Pain

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Scottso (Boca Raton, Fl) on 12/18/2016
5 out of 5 stars

CURED. There is a post on this site under diabetes 'juicing' by someone named Ti in Houston, TX, answering someone else in Bangalore, India.

Not sure why I copied this remedy on 12/24/14, it somehow caught my eye in it's sincerity. So I have been sufferering from horrendous neck pain for the past two years. I have bought too many pillows to count. Wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep. Morning after morning with horrific migraines, and pressure in my head so strong that I felt like my eyes would pop out of my head.

Just had a blood test around Thanksgiving, my blood sugar showed 146 in a 'normal range' of 50-99. I remembered this saved post about juicing for diabetes....I searched it and started doing it around the beginning of this month, on or about Dec 1. It's the juice blend that includes one cucumber, some celery, parsley, lemon and ginger, all organic, all juiced and the first thing into your stomach in the morning.

I have not yet returned for a follow up blood test...BUT, after 3 days of this juice blend, I no longer have neck pain. I no longer wake up with migraines. I no longer have my eyes popping out of my head. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night without being able to fall back asleep. I feel like I'm walking on clouds.

In all fairness, I want to say that after the first glass of this juice blend, I had no craving to drink coffee. Not sure how the fact that I stopped all caffeine intake would affect me, but the end result was positive.


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