Castor Oil for Dry Eyes

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Showing 1 Star Reviews

Jill (Chicago) on 07/24/2015
1 out of 5 stars

Castor oil has never worked for me. I've been taking fish oil for about three months but it hasn't seemed to have helped much.

Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia) on 02/26/2012
1 out of 5 stars

Well snap, a few days after starting to put castor oil in my eyes I got conjunctivitis! They had been red and swollen for a few mornings (I'd put them in my eyes before bedtime) and then one morning I couldn't open my eyes has they had gummed together and were a red raw mess! Yep, looked it up and apparently castor oil contains a natural toxin called ricin than can cause conjunctivitis. A few drops of colloidal silver and it went away after a couple of days. Onto another oil methinks!
REPLY   3      

Francisca (Zug, Zug, Switzerland) on 12/14/2011
1 out of 5 stars

Castor oil didn't work for my dry eyes. I tried it a few times, with different kinds of Castor Oil bought in health food shops but I woke up with swollen red eyes every time. I didn't use a droper as I didn't have one, I just put it around my eyes and let it run in a bit. But my eyes are better though although I am now living in an incredibly dry apartment (the Swiss give a new meaning to insulation.... ). I follow the advice I saw here of using more grape seed oil in my cooking and occasionally also drink a bit. I now sleep most nights without the use of a cream whether before I would wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning with very gritty eyes.

I also stopped drinking too much water and the sense of dryness in my mouth, especially at night also disappeared. I am not thirsty during the day anymore either. The more I drank the more I seemed to need to drink, not a good thing! And after years of getting up during the night to go to the bathroom although I am now older I hardly ever do that anymore!

I guess that the bottom line is: listen to your body!