Vitamin C for Cold Sores

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Jamie (Los Angeles, California) on 02/07/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi! I just wanted to share my whole life I've suffered from having annoying cold sores right on my face and a couple years ago I found why I got them in the first place and how to stop them. I did some research and found out since cold sores are a virus, they can be counter-acted by boosting up your immune system. I guess I must've just had a weak immune system for my life and so a couple years ago I started taking 500-1000mg Vitamin C per day and have not gotten them since! At one point I lazed off from taking the vitamin c, and what do you know I got one again! But as soon as I noticed it/ felt it I took about 3000 mg Vitamin C per day and it disappeared! My self confidence is so much higher now and I feel way better myself and no more stress/worrying about when I'm going to get one!

Doug (Miami, Fl) on 11/05/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin C deserves it's own listing under cures. It's the one thing that works for me. If I take it at the first 'tingle' - no outbreaks. If I catch it too late (for example, I have a little blister when I wake up in the morning), the blister never gets any bigger. I'll generally take about 1500mg every couple of hours until the tingling goes away. Random note: 95% of my outbreaks are preceded by dry/chapped lips. Since moving back to Florida, outbreaks are luckily very rare.