L-lysine, Licorice Tincture for Cold Sores

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Bettina (New York, NY, USA) on 02/09/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Cold sore remedy: I have found that L-Lysine and Licorice tincture help the best. When I feel an outbreak coming on (in my case usually around the nose, inside the nose or around the lips) I start taking 2-3000mg of L-Lysine spread over the day and dab the cold sore spot with Licorice tincture several times throughout the day. I also try to cut out all caffein (coffee, chocolate etc.) all sugars (natural and artificial) and processed foods and increase eating eggs, plain natural yoghurt and leafy green veggies.

Licorice tincture is made by soaking licorice root in brandy or vodka for about 6-8 weeks. Shake daily, if possible. After it has soaked for the required time, strain and store in a dark glas bottle, that has been cleaned thoroughly and sterilized. It keeps a long time. ALWAYS use a clean Q-tip EVERY SINGLE TIME to dab tincture on the cold sore.