Multiple Remedies for Muscle Cramps

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John (CA) on 02/06/2022:
4 out of 5 stars

I am not reporting on the use of Acupressure but to state that after reading through all the remedies that produce results seem to have one common denominator. This is to divert the mind from acknowledging the cramp if only for a very short time. From pinching the upper lip, pressing between the toes to the point of being uncomfortable to eating a good dose of yellow mustard the result is the same. The mind's attention is diverted just enough to break the horrible feedback loop that keeps the cramp going. I get cramps very often and what works for as a male is to get up and urinate. That sensation is usually enough to knock the cramping muscle out of the cycle. This is also true of drinking pickle juice; a strong enough taste to distract your mind. The one solution I have a hard time fitting into this hypotheses is the use of a bar of soap under your fitted sheet. Placed down near the calves it is supposed to relieve nightly cramps. This did produce about a month and a half of blissful, cramp free sleep. But it seems to have lost its effectiveness. Too bad really. I thought I had finally found a solution to this issue.
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Faith (Alabama) on 04/05/2015:
1 out of 5 stars

I have terrible leg cramps lately--they start at my shin. When I stand to work it out, it moves to my thigh. Then it spreads to my foot, curling it outward so badly that, if I stand, I am on the top of my foot. I have been using mag oil for the past 2 weeks, covering all my skin for 20 minutes 2x per day. Then I use more when it actually cramps. I also take potassium, about 300 mg per day. I use sea salt on my food, so I get that. Any other suggestions? I feel this all day long, ready to spasm if I flex my foot. Also, I walk about 2 miles + or - daily.

Faith (Alabama) on 04/05/2015:
1 out of 5 stars

I have terrible leg cramps lately--they start at my shin. When I stand to work it out, it moves to my thigh. Then it spreads to my foot, curling it outward so badly that, if I stand, I am on the top of my foot. I have been using mag oil for the past 2 weeks, covering all my skin for 20 minutes 2x per day. Then I use more when it actually cramps. I also take potassium, about 300 mg per day. I use sea salt on my food, so I get that. Any other suggestions? I feel this all day long, ready to spasm if I flex my foot. Also, I walk about 2 miles + or - daily.

May10777 (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) on 05/30/2014:
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I have suffered severe spasms for many years. The only thing that ever really helped me was Quinine which is not available anymore. My last scrip was in '04. There seems to be no answer to why I have them. My doctors say "some people just have them and some people don't." These are serious spasms where both feet and legs are sometimes affected alway up so cannot get up and walk it out. Or once I was driving and both hands drew up in knots at the same time. Scary, hurting so bad and trying to hold a steering wheel like that.

The Doctor recommended calcium years ago and at first it seemed to help. Next time I complained she said try Magnesium as you may have a shortage. Again it helped and I was able to sleep through the night. But not for long. I have used a teaspoon of yellow mustard, a little pickle juice, a little vinegar & honey and all these things will give some relief after a few minutes. But getting to them can be a problem and the safest & simplest thing I can do is keep water by my bedside! I have learned if I drink a glass of water right away it helps.

The bar of soap in bed did not work for me.

I have noted that when I run out of milk and don't drink milk I sleep through the night and don't have them. I read somewhere that milk actually leaches calcium out of bones and that may be what is happening. I can get more calcium eating collards greens without the cramps.

I have never heard of using Lobellia before but I will have to try it. I'm always on the look out for anything that helps.

Thank you and I wish everyone who has to deal with this find the right answer.


Shelagh (Palm Beach Gardens, Florida) on 02/12/2009:
1 out of 5 stars

This is a bit crazy- I fell on the job last June & tore my anterior deltiod- I am receiving massage therapy and chiropractic treatments which are helping- but the healing is so slow going it's making me nuts! I am 51, I kayak for 'therapy' and have been unable to do this since my fall. And last night I fell again; tripped over a raised bit of something in the concrete... this time I badly injured the opposite elbow- I was actually sitting on the cold ground for a half hour before I could catch my breath & talk myself into biting the bullet through the pain & forcing myself to get up. I had my cell phone and actually considered calling the police for assistance!

I endured interesting muscle spasms all night & even throughout today as I tried to straighten my arm... elbow hurts like hell if I attempt to straighten it- I will seek treatment for this since I am still dealing with shoulder issue.

Ironically, now my 'bad' shoulder is my 'good' one. Sigh.

My question: what to do for acute intense muscle spasms? I rested last night with my arm elevated, iced, rubbed Epsom salts into the area for magnesium... massaged with witch hazel, wrapped in rags with ACV... I took 3 500 mg caps of turmeric. Sleeping was still a miserable ordeal. A slightest movement would send screaming spasms into my elbow and forewrm... causing my hand to clench...

I finally bought otc pain relievers this afternoon because I had to work...

Tonight I can't sleep for the pain... am going to make a cayenne concoction with turmeric... repeat some of my machinations from last evening, see if I can dream up any magic potion... in the mean-time, any other suggestions?

Thanks people. Peace.

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