Turmeric, Coconut Oil, Oil Pulling for Multiple Ailments

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Aus10girl (Cleveland, Oh, United States) on 07/10/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My mother passed away from cancer about two months ago. We had been trying various alternative treatments for her (which we didn't start until a little late in the game, I'm sad to report), so when she passed we had a cupboard full of supliments, herbs, teas and oils. I took some of these home, and started doing some research to see how they might be used by someone who did not have cancer. I found this site right away, and was amazed at all of the feedback I was seeing from people. I decided to try them out for myself, and here are the results I've seen so far:

Turmeric Capsules: I have developed some nasty allergy symptoms over the past couple of years, which included intense itching of the eyes, sinus pain, asthma and copious amounts of mucous from the nose. After ONE DAY of taking two capsules in the morning and two at night, my symptoms were eliminated by about 90%. Within three days they were completely clear. I know it was the Turmeric, because I woke up late the past couple of days and forgot to take them, and the symptoms are coming back.

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) - I started out using it as a moisturizer for my face, but loved the feeling of my skin so much that I started using it all over. Then, after reading all of the amazing claims on this site, I started taking about a table spoon of it in my coffee as well. After about two weeks of doing this, a wart that had been vexing me on the bottom of my foot simply peeled out. No acid, no lazers. . . It just simply came out. This was like magic to me!

Oil Pulling- I started oil pulling two times a day (usually) about three weeks ago with VCO, and just recently switched to Sunflower Oil. I love the way it makes my mouth feel. It did seem to make my teeth whiter right away. The reason I'm so interested in it is because it's supposed to be good for gum disease. I haven't seen any real improvement in my gums yet, but I'm going to stick with it. It also pleases me that I have to blow my nose and cough up phlegm when I'mthrough - even when I have no congestion. It makes me feel like I'm getting rid of the icky stuff! Other Unexpected Benefits - I have noticed several other positive things happening in my body, and since I'm using several foods, I'm not sure which is causing them. - Back and knee pain eliminated. I've always had a bad lower back, and in recent years, the tendons at the front of my knees would get really sore after sitting in one position for a while.

Since I've started taking all of these things, the pain is GONE. - Disappearing Cellulite. I've always had small patches of dimples on my rear. I discovered the other day that the left cheek was about 95% dimple free, and the right cheek was at about 80%! I made my boyfriend double check to make sure it's not all in my head :) it's not! - Noticeable reduction in desire for sweets and junk food. Maybe it's just that I'm consciously taking steps to make myself healthier, but I very rarely want anything that's bad for me. I used to have a tasty(yet very unhealthy) snack of chips or cookies every afternoon at work. Now, I don't even think about it. I am so excited about all of these wonderful benefits from just taking food! It's like real life magic to me! Thank you so much, Earth Clinic, for this wealth of information. I will continue experimenting with the different methods on this page. Thank you! Thank You!