B12 for Multiple Ailments

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Davey D (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 01/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

B12 Success! By Dave 10/January/2012

Over four years I've had multiple symptoms that puzzled my doctor. First my toes became so sensitive that cutting my toe nails was painful. Then my finger tips became so sensitive that opening bottles hurt. Then my left eye felt like it had increased pressure in it to where you would expect to have blurriness but I could still see clearly which was puzzling. I had my eyes checked and they could not see a problem. Then my ring finger on my left hand would become impossible to uncurl in the morning without the help from my right hand. Then my legs above my knees would feel like hot needles sticking in them to the point where I had to sleep with ice packs on them.

After a visit to my doctor who wanted to subscribe some Gabapentin for Neurology with a lot of bad side effects I came home and started to do a frantic search here for a remedy. I tried Vitamin B12 of 1000mcg four times a day. I noticed that I started to get relief in my legs right away. Then in a week I noticed that the pressure in my left eye started to subside. I was amazed. By the second week I was able to comfortably cut my toenails. I then acquired an itch on my left knee that nothing could help. I scratched it raw in my sleep and the next day I cut back to 1000mcg three times a day and the itch went away.

A week later I started to notice my eye was acting up so I went back to 1000mcg four times a day and it felt fine. The itch did not return and I noticed that my shrinking gums were beginning to heal. It has been a month now and everything is good to the point where I can open my ring finger on my left hand , and I must add I feel really good about this. It's been a month now and I just got some B12 Methylcobalamine 1000mcg and have noticed no difference with my symptoms as I only take one at bedtime because you don't have to take it with food.

I have also discovered that I can get it in 5000mcg which I plan to use once a day as soon as I run out of what I have. The 5000mcg once a day seems more practical as some times I forget to take one of my 1000mcg. I shall post back if there are any problems with it.

Thank You EC you are wonderful.

PS. I am still taking my ACV once a day and my hips are still good.