Aloe Vera, Milk Thistle for Multiple Ailments

5 star (1) 

Showing 5 Star Reviews

Molly (Rocky Mount, NC, USA) on 06/13/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have struggled with weight issues since childhood. I can look sideways at a piece of cheesecake and gain five pounds. However, this all change recently with the addition of this wonder supplement to my diet. A few months ago, I began a popular portion-control diet that is low in fat. In 9 weeks, I'd lost 12 lbs. I then added a new fat blocker to my regimen. I began noticing quicker results with weight loss BUT I still suffered from low energy levels, yeast overgrowth, severe cystic acne... among other ailments. Searching for acne remedies here on earth clinic, I read one lady's entry which advocated the use of aloe vera and milk thistle. In the past week, after consuming approx. 10oz of Aloe Vera Juice per day, taking 250mg of milk thistle with each meal, and washing my face with apple cider vinegar water, I feel like a new person! In the past week, my acne has healed about 60%, my vision is clearer, I don't need massive amounts of stimulants to wake me up in the morning, my eczema is vanishing, I have plenty of energy, my dry and cracking heals have begun to heal, and I've lost 6lbs!