Molly\'s Remedies for Morgellons

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Molly (Kenai, Alaska) on 08/26/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Thank you so much for your initial email. I wanted to reply and share what I've learned. In my opinion, Morgellon's may likely be caught via a mite vector, but the disease itself is NOT from mites but from a more "worm-like" creature that seems to like living directly under the skin, hence the creepy-crawly feelings, etc. The creature also appears to lower the immune system, making the person vulnerable to a billion other infections/infestations/problems).

This worm/thing is EXTREMELY hardy and is not easy to get rid of, however, it is vulnerable to a few things, particularly the simple "condiment" we know of as SALT.

The following "remedies" are what I've been doing and seems to REALLY help. I thought I'd share in case it might help others. The first two are the most important.

1.) Salt and Vitamin C Protocol:

- 1 mg salt (1 salt tablet, "sodium chloride") per 10 lbs of body weight, not to exceed 18mgs per day), taken three times per day, along with 3,000 mg Vitamin C per day (taking 1,000 mg each time you take your salt tablets).

Both the salt tablets and the Vit C tablets are really inexpensive (you can get salt tablets at your local pharmacy---they are usually $5.00--$7.00 per bottle of 100.

For example, I weigh 120, so I am taking 12 salt tablets per day, though usually I add one or two extra pills in for good measure at night. Drink a full cup of water with your dose, as well as drink a LOT more water throughout the day. The full set of instructions can be found at where I first read about this.

Whatever these things are, they *hate* salt!!!!

The salt creates quite a die off effect---the first couple weeks in particular will be rough. Most days I woke up feeling like I had the flu, though usually I was able to function okay. There were a few days that were more difficult than others (vomit, diarrhea). All in all, it's tolerable (hey, if they're dying, I'm happy--lol).

Though the die-off will continue, you should notice a very sharp decrease in symptoms after the first couple weeks. The salt protocol should be followed for as long as it takes---usually the length of time it's been since you were first infected, so that you can kill off all new hatchlings.

[Of course, people with high blood pressure will want to approach the salt therapy carefully---please do it only while monitering bp, or checking with your doctors, etc].

2.) Sugar Free Diet:

This diet is the same for parasites, candida, and Lyme Disease, interestingly enough. These things feed off of sugars, therefore sugars must be avoided.

As a natural vegetarian, I find this diet very hard (and thus have gone from 130 to under 120, at 5-8"), but it's invaluable, and I'm just trying to do a better job of eating more even though I don't like the food, so that I don't get too skinny! :o)

The basic jist of the diet is to eat only meats and non-sweet vegetables. No dairy, except for butter and eggs. No fruits or juices. No gluten grains, no breads, no starches (no potatoes, etc). No black tea, but black coffee is okay (and I've noticed that plain green tea seems okay for me) and stevia may be used as a sweetener.

Brown rice is okay, and non-gluten grains like quinoa *may* also be okay. Walnuts are okay, and some people can have almonds and almond butter without a problem, but most other nuts are a no.

If you notice an increase in symptoms after eating any food, then stop eating it. Symptoms can often last for a couple days before dying down, but eventually you'll figure out what you can have and can't have (example: can have shrimp, can't have sardines, etc) based on whether or not you feel the little "wigglers" wake up or stay asleep.

A few days into this diet and you should notice a sharp decrease in your symptoms (and it weakens them up so that the salt can really do a good job of killing), though you will likely also experience significant cravings for the forbidden sugars and grains. Break the diet and you should notice a sharp INCREASE in your symptoms.

After the initial big die-off's with the salt treatment, I began having small amounts of sugar (a piece of whole wheat bread here and there, etc) without noticing a huge problem.

There are people who claim to have beat this disease by diet only, if that helps to emphasize just how important the diet is. The stricter you can be, the better.

3.) Helpful herbs:

Olive leaf extract and olive leaf tea. I drink 2-4 cups of the olive leaf tea per day (it does cause a herx reaction---you will initially feel flu-like as it kills stuff). I don't know if it kills whatever is behind Morgellons, but it sure helps kill off something and keep your body healthy. I get my olive leaf tea leaves from, because I can buy it in bulk there and thus save money. The olive leaf *extract* is the more powerful one of the two, though, and can be found in capsule form just about anywhere that sells herbs.

I take Garlic and garlic supplements and also Oil of Oregano (capsules are easier to swallow than the oil). Garlic and onions in all your food is always a good thing---the more, the better. Many Morgellon's sufferers have reported that heavy doses of garlic really helps them.

Cat's Claw is reported to be amazing for Morgellons---I just started taking it so I can't really say either way, but I've read that it's VERY powerful against whatever this is. I've been taking 3 capsules, 3-4 times daily with meals, but I just started this week, so I can't really report either way, but it's such a health-giving supplement that I figure it can only be a positive addition! :)

Grapefruit Seed Extract (in pill form) is another thing I am taking, though only here and there. I've also heard good things about Teasel and Pomegranate Extract w/ Ellagic Acid (both in fighting Morgellons), but haven't tried either of those yet.

I've heard amazing things about ionic silver (3 mgs in mornings) and ionic copper (4 or 5 mgs nightly) (both from, Water oz or Angstrom brands, and I'm sure other places as well), which I have just ordered but also haven't actually tried yet. The copper is supposed to be very beneficial, but just as a reminder, is dangerous to take in tablet form, so the ionic liquid is best. Ionic sulfur (10 mgs daily) is supposed to be very helpful at healing lesions on the inside and outside of the body.

Lavendar Essential Oil works very well on the initial "bites" (the large red zit-like things). It dries them up quickly---apply often and they should start healing up within a few days.

4. Espom Salt baths are helpful (2 cups in a tub) and adding a bottle of hydrogen peroxide helps it get deeper into the skin. I now take a bath almost nightly.

30-40 minutes worth of soaking is important---the salt won't draw stuff out if you only sit in the bath for 10 minutes, so get a good book from the library and relax.

5. Clean with Enzymes!
Enzyme cleaners are good---I've heard raves about Ecovie, but I have Bac-Out in my area, so I bought that instead. I put a bit in a spray bottle and dilute it with water so that I can spray myself down (including eyes and ears) as well as my environment (including the sheets I sleep in, etc). Anytime I feel itchy, I spray down myself, as well as everytime I get out of the tub or shower. It's also nice to add to the laundry to kill things that might be on the cloths. I take a bath in the Bac-Out a couple times a week instead of the Epsom Salts ---probably a 1/3 cup of the enzyme cleaner or so to the bath water.

Another enzyme clearer is Kleen-em-Away---any enzyme cleaners should work well, really. I also bought some Orange TKO (very economical---a little goes a long way) and use that regularly as a spray cleaner that kills everything (including mites) and is also safe for humans.

6. Shaving!
I know this sounds weird, but I shaved my arm hairs and found it very helpful. One of the terrible parts about Morgellons is how "sensitive" you get to anything that feels like movement. The air against my arm hair made me feel like something was crawling on it, simply because of the creepy-crawly feelings that sometimes really WERE there. Shaving hair off really helps me.

In Conclusion:

I am taking all these natural herb weapons, along with doing the salt and the diet, just because...I prefer a "full guns" approach to this thing, as it appears to get VERY nasty when allowed to progress. It seems like the Morgellons breaks the body down in so many ways, I figure a many-pronged approach to fighting it is in order. Some things go after whatever is behind Morgellons, while the other herbs help the body stay strong.

Personally, the worst thing about Morgellons for me has been admitting that I think I have it. It is horrific. I've caught myself wishing many times that I just had cancer---something KNOWN, you know, for which there are certain protocols, etc, or something like that. It has been a true terror-filled nightmare to realize that I am dealing with this mysterious *thing* that seems to be crawling all throughout my body. Falling asleep at night while something is literally crawling up your face is just plain NOT a pleasant feeling!
I struggled with just wanting it to be GONE, to be fixed, for God to just heal me or something (as if He owes it to me). I also struggled with GREAT fear---fear that my children and husband would become infected, fear that we would infect our friends...

But eventually, and I think in good part due to God's grace, I have settled in to this, to admitting that it's real, that it's very strong and WILL damage me if allowed, and thus have committed to FIGHTING it, as in full-scale war. It is not something that is going to get us---WE are going to get IT. This has been a very helpful change in thinking.

I hope this helps others. I am greatful for all the help I've found via a million sites on the internet, including this one. Working together, we can beat this thing!

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