Ivermectin for Morgellons

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xiusiq (TX) on 04/10/2021
5 out of 5 stars

I experienced a skin condition in about late January 2020. It happens that I am familiar with morgellons prior to my experience. I am a long time follower of earth clinic and ted.

There was a sensation sometimes biting my toes. like a flea or something. I paid attention whenever it would happen. Then one evening when I was paying attention to the biting sensation, I felt a vicious bite on my cuticle of my toe that I about jumped out of my skin. I searched multiple times, turning light to see, only nothing; using a flashlight to try catch in the act, nothing. there was always nothing to be seen. I put bug lotion with permethrin and white larva looking things came out of the skin legs, arms apparently microscopic, there were the seedlike things also along my hairline eyebrows, they looked like sesame seeds. I had never seen or heard of anything like it (a former science major I liked microbiology).

I was not able to resolve this on my own initially, I tried to see MD at a clinic and he wouldn't diagnose and didn't even try. I was losing a lot of sleep every night. Seemed they knew when it was dark in that way it seemed like scabies but it wasn't. I read what I could do. I don't necessarily recommend this but it was what worked. I mixed permethrin home professional strength buy chemical into lotion (I calculated to get 3% in the cream). slept in it. washed the next day. washed sheets, clothes etc, didn't wear more than 1 time, washed bedding after one use. stayed off the furniture. I treated the whole room with chemicals because I didn't know what it was and where it came from.

The above helped but it wasn't enough. I showered using borax laundry booster like a body scrub, washed my face with it too. Not on hair, it is hard on the hair. It is a salt, leaves skin really soft.

I kept reading as the treatment would work temporarily, but after a day or two it would return. I read about ivermectin and decided to try it. It is available in pill form in other countries but not really in the US. There are other postings of how much to take. have to do your own search if you are going to try.

I took the dose for my weight, on day 1, day 2, and again on day 8; then 3 months later and 1 year later. whatever it was died off, my skin was expelling something from the layers like little pimples in a few cluster areas. Though there was no more evidence of the problem the sores took a long time to heal and the skin flaked weirdly, this kept on, some months later I had a respiratory infection and was prescribed an antibiotic, I think it was doxycyline. The skin finally started healing normally. I have scars on my arm they are not terrible I hope they continue to fade.

I later saw a video on YouTube, some fellow from UK filming things crawling out of his arms. They look just like whatever I had going on. He had been going at this for 7 years and he has not figured how to rid of it. He is in Mexico now. He was lured out there with the promise of a cure and stuck there now. In his videos he puts oil on his skin and they just come out. That's how it happened to me also. So I got through my ordeal the worst of it in 3 weeks, the skin didn't settle down until I took the antibiotic. I was looking up what it could have been and I'm still not sure but I think it could have been strongyloids which is a microscopic nematode which is a worm-like creature.

This experience I had was torturous. I am glad I somehow found a remedy. I hope this helps someone.

REPLY   10      

Anonymous (Texas) on 04/22/2016
5 out of 5 stars

A family member had morgellons symptoms and visited multiple dermatologists.The prognosis was either a bacterial infection or nothing was disclosed. Each one billed around $500.00. An over the counter medication or antibiotics was superficially thrown out. but no relief or little relief was achieved.The prognosis of mental instability was unsympathetically given. And in all honesty she partaked in crystal methamphetamine. So I started to "as physicians are quick to spit out " self uneducated diagnosis to justify their hefty bill. Even though their educated diagnoses had no relief. Just money in their pocket. Well as it turns out Morgellons disease with the mysterious fibers protruding from their skin pores turned out to be subcutaneous parasites. Yes parasitic worms that survive by being undiscovered.

Apparently when crystal methamphetamine is introduced in the blood stream these invisible parasites get super amped and against their genetically instilled antics. and expose themselves. And the almost humorous antidotes and therapies were desperately tried to no avail. We tried to get a prescription for a drug that after much research sounded like the answer, but was denied by some "educated physicians".

So after a little research this very effective medication called ivermectin, was discovered to be the same medication used by ranchers to treat their cattle and horses for these parasites. After much consideration and desperation we gave it a chance. After almost an entire year of aroma therapies, vinegar, ice baths and sticking rolled up news paper cones set on fire into ears. To smoke em out or form some a super vacuum to suck them out. We figured that we had nothing lose.

Well the feed store only carries ivermectin in 1% sterile, injectable solution. I imagine to deter suffering people to cough up more money in prescription form. Well since it is water soluble, we watered it down and used it as a topical skin lather. And low and behold after about 10 minutes these "so called imaginary parasites" started to viciously evacuate from arms, scalp, face, neck, shoulders and particularly close to the eye region.

Now I'm not saying it was that easy and everything was rainbows and unicorns.These parasites must be eradicated in adult and larva forms that thrive in your intestines.So medication must also be ingested and due deligence must be incorporated in the attempt of eradication. Everyone including pets must be treated and everything sterilized and disinfected. and multiple dosis must be taken.

And uncomfortable stool examinations must be closely examined to insure the larva are dead and includes diuretic medication, but most importantly research, research, and research. because unfortunately in our case these educated physicians cared more about monetary gain than helping suffering patients.So nobody is going to be more diligent in your cure than yourself.

Good luck...

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