Borax And H2o2 for Morgellons

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Karen (Rochester, New York) on 09/09/2009
4 out of 5 stars

I believe I have had Morgellons Disease for 23 years....lucky me! Three weeks ago I started taking 1/8th teaspoon Borax (a natural mineral), 1/8th teaspoon 35% Hydrogen Peroxide and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in a liter of water every day. I drink it slowly throughout the day and when finished switch to regular water. At first I was breaking out like crazy with itchy welts on my legs. That's completely cleared. My face continues to break out but the lesions are not near as bad when I first started. I also use essential oils soap, body balm and herbal bath. The fibers and black specs come out of the lesions with these products. I highly recommend them.

My question is: I know my cat has this disease. He has lost fur on his legs from licking so much. I fear that he is reinfecting me and I him. Is there anything I can do to help him?


PS: I see you have treatment for dogs and refer folks to the mange borax treatment but have heard that borax will kill cats. Is this true? Thanks again.