Natural Remedies for Mono: Coconut Oil and More

Modified on Jun 27, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team

Natural Remedies for Mono

Mononucleosis, colloquially known as mono, is a prolonged and potentially debilitating viral infection. When it comes to managing mono, several natural remedies can be surprisingly effective. In this article, we'll explore how coconut oil, garlic, vitamins, and certain minerals can help alleviate symptoms often within 24 hours of use.


Understanding Mono and Its Symptoms

Mono is primarily caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, a member of the herpes virus family. As a viral infection, antibiotics are ineffective, and in severe cases, doctors may prescribe steroids. One serious complication of mono includes spleen enlargement.

Mono-related symptoms can include fever, extreme fatigue, a sore throat, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches, poor appetite, and nausea.

Natural Remedies for Mono: More Than Just Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, particularly the unprocessed variety that carries a fresh coconut aroma, is a powerful antiviral agent. This page offers more information on using coconut oil to manage mono. However, the natural remedies don't stop there.

Vitamin C

Supporting your immune system to effectively fight mono, Vitamin C can be taken in 1,000mg doses 4-5 times a day during an intense infection. If loose stools occur, reduce the amount consumed.


Zinc is a key supplement to fortify your body in its fight against the mono virus.

Vitamin D

A daily dose of sunshine can help increase your Vitamin D levels. If this isn't possible, consider a Vitamin D supplement.

Herbal Allies in Mono Treatment

Various herbs and spices can support your immune system and fight infection during mono.


Raw garlic, incorporated into meals like salads and soups, fights infection and supports your immune system.


Turmeric aids in battling infection and inflammation. Turmeric capsules or powder can be consumed daily.


Elderberry syrup is a pleasant way to boost your immunity. It can usually be found at larger pharmacies or health food stores.

Coping with Mono Symptoms

Mono often comes with painful symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes and severe sore throat. Here are some tips to deal with them:

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Massaging castor oil into swollen lymph nodes several times a day can boost lymph circulation and aid white blood cell circulation to fight infection.

Sore Throat

Gargling with cayenne pepper can fight infection, numb the painful area, and reduce inflammation. The cayenne gargle recipe provided later in the article will be of help.

Other Helpful Remedies

Alongside these treatments, there are additional remedies to consider:

Sinus Rinse for Mono

A solution made from water, salt, and 3% hydrogen peroxide can be used for sinus rinse 1-2 times each day to alleviate sinus pain or pressure.

Healing Baths

Epsom salt or baking soda baths can deliver essential nutrients to your body and soothe aches.

Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Adopting a light, nutritious diet is ideal during mono. Avoid sugar and dairy products, and instead opt for broth-based soups, fruits, and non-dairy smoothies.
  • Avoid sodas, energy drinks, and excessive coffee. Tea, particularly black, green, and herbal teas, have healing properties. A vinegar and honey tea offers the therapeutic benefits of both ingredients.
  • Ensure you get plenty of rest and ease back into your normal routine gradually to prevent relapse.

Do you have a natural remedy for mono? We would love to hear from you. Read on to discover how our readers have successfully treated mono with these home remedies.

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List of Remedies for Mononucleosis