Apple Cider Vinegar for Molluscum Contagiosum

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Christina (Fort Leavenworth, Ks) on 10/02/2017
4 out of 5 stars

We found out last December 2016 that my son had contracted M.C. First it was a few bumps and when we thought they were almost gone in Sept 2017, about 100 more showed up. Very frustrating! My son is 4. We just recently moved from the desert of CA and now back to lots of green in Kansas. I kept hearing about ACV as a use to get rid of them. I will say the bandaids were not a hit so now we just run them down with ACV. We on on week 1.5 and they are drying up and going away. And this is with just one application at night. He has to wear long sleeved shirts for Pre-k.

There is one area that I think is the main source, bc it just keeps coming back over and over, no matter what is done. we are going to continue using the ACV for the next few weeks. When he got this last round of bumps, he also had swollen lymph nodes. I requested a full blood panel on my son to see if maybe he was deficient in anything. We find out the results on Wed. Did you notice any main source bumps where your son was concerned? Thank you for your useful information.

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Anonymous (San Luis Obispo, Ca) on 10/29/2015
4 out of 5 stars

I am so relieved to have found this website: I've had molluscum for almost a year now, and it has been such a hard time with the freeze-burns, doctors with no suggestions, and having to stop intimacy with others almost completely. I found this website just days ago and started using Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon myrtle just 4 days ago, and am already seeing major improvements! Every time I find a moment of the day at home (usually mornings and late evenings) I wipe my legs over with a cotton ball soaked in ACV. I spot treatment with the lemon myrtle, and it also masks the smell. It's been better every day.

Thank you everyone!

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Chelsea (Puyallup, Washington) on 10/26/2011
4 out of 5 stars

Well I'm not sure if its the Apple Cider Vinegar but my molluscum is just multiplying. I have stopped shaving my legs and I'm a girl so it's embarassing and they are still multiplying! Since freezing is the only thing that works for me I made a appointment for today to get them frozen. After that I will continue to apply Apple Cider Vinegar to the bumps I'm getting frozen today since it did get rid of some of my bumps. Maybe it will prevent spreading it? Let's hope so! I dislike the scarring of getting them frozen though. But over time the scar fades and is not very noticable so I am glad it's fall. And by summer the scars will not be very noticeable.
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Mama31606 (Valdosta, Ga) on 09/19/2011
4 out of 5 stars

My 4 year old started with one little bump about 8 months ago. The DR failed to diagnose it. Before I knew it, 1 was 5, 5 were 10, 10 were 20, 20 were 40..... I think your getting the picture. She had horrible clusters of 10-40 behind her knees, armpit, tummy/trunk, chest... ect. It was taking over our lives and spread to her 6 year old sister. When the dr finally diagnosed and gave us a prescription ( of what I dont even remember, it was totally useless! ).

I then started researching home remedies and came accross this site and thought I would share some tips. Like I said, the bumps were just everywhere and taking over my 4 year old. For 3 days I dipped makeup remover pads in the ACV and covered with bandaids... From the regular sized ones on individual bumps, to the super large bandages on her clusters. After the 2-3 days most had responded, but not all.

But now, we had a new problem. She had sooooo many bumps and areas that needed treatment, I was going thru an entire plus box of bandaids each treatment/day. The next mornings, when time to remove bandages, it was torture on her!! I dont know if she just has very sensitive skin ( not something I'd noticed before in her) or because of the number of bandages we required or if I had gorilla glue adhesive bandages lol! I knew we had to continue treatment, but now she had scabs/rips in good skin from removing bandaids. She was in horrible pain and screaming whenever she knew it was time to switch or remove them. I felt awful, but was determined to see this thru till we killed this HATEFUL virus.

My best suggestion on large clusters in areas like behind the knees or in armpit, ect.... is to get the whole makeup pad remover soaked with ACV, then cover/wrap with "secure flex wrap" stuff. Its the roll of crinkle-y looking stuff that sticks to itself. Looks like a big tape roll. You tear it into any length you need and while it sticks to itself, it won't on skin. Now hopefully, we can finish these bumps off for once and all! Good luck. I truly understand your pain, suffering and frustration. Hang in there!

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Rocketgirl (Houston, Tx, Usa) on 04/18/2011
4 out of 5 stars

I've been dealing with MC for what feels like forever now. For the longest time, I honestly didn't know what it was. I was terrified that I had contracted herpes or hpv, the usual fears. Went to the gyno for the standard check-up and she didn't mention anything about this. Waited for all of the STD tests to come back and they all came up clean, so I went back in to talk to her about what was going on with my lady business.

She then told me I had something called MC and failed to explain what it even was, but told me how to treat it; my options were cryotherpay or the aldera cream, which, if we're being honest, is just way too expensive, especially considering I haven't found much positive feedback on it. So, I call her up and schedule an appointment for the cryo. I go in on Friday and she tells me that she thinks we should wait a little while because MC will usually clear on it own, mind you I've been dealing with this for AT LEAST 6 months, if not longer. I tell her I'll think about it, so I leave and I'm panicking because let's face it, nobody feels very awesome with little, itchy bumps all over their lady parts. So I use my resources that I started out with in the beginning.

I found this lovely little gem of a website and I figured, apple cider vinegar, what the hell, it can't hurt anything, right? Right, I was. I've been doing the ACV every night for around probably 12 hours, I originally did this as a test run and planned on maybe doing it once, figuring it wouldn't work. I was definitely wrong. I've done it three nights in a row and the size and number of my MC has gone down substantially. The areas that I'm treating seems to be a little irritated and the ACV burns like hell, but my body is in survival mode at this point and I can handle a little burning if it means I can get rid of these pesky bumps that have been driving me crazy so long. I'm actually going in today to get some cryo done on the areas that are harder to cover and take care of, but the areas that I've been treating are looking better each day. So hey guys, thanks for sharing the secret wonder cure. I don't think I would wish MC on my worst enemy.

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Shaina (Pahrump, Nv) on 03/04/2011
4 out of 5 stars

Hi, My daughter and I have been dealing with this for almost a Full year... We went to the doctor many times in Nevada. They gave her Amox. And we still had the bumps. They slowly spread everywhere (torso, arms, legs, tummy, ect. ) over time. We are down to 3 bumps right now. I do not know where she caught it from at all!!

We have been using ACV for the last couple months and what a miracle.. A couple of the bumps were along where her pants rub and boy did they get swollen. I have been soaking her in a hot tub and ACV. And in the tub the bumps popped on their own. I hope it helps someone else :) Keep your fingers crossed.

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Worried Mom (Birmingham, Uk) on 10/14/2010
4 out of 5 stars

My 4 year old daughter has been suffering from MC for around 2 months now at first they didn't bother her but they have started to spread they first appeared on her lower abdomen and now her torso is covered and I have noticed some appearing on the pelvic area. Every time she gets hot she complains they itch. Doctors have told me they cannot do anything for them and they will clear up in 6 months or so! I have since discovered they can take upto 5 years to go! So thank you everyone who has posted on here with their stories. 2 days ago I started the apple cider vinegar putting some on cotton wool and then taping over the mc and omg what a result the following morning just as I read the mc's had turned black and scabby. She has soo many of them and also suffers from ezcema so the ACV doesn't help that. But I'm doing a few spots each night now hopefully they will all clear soon. Thankyou everyone for the advise on this site. I AM TEMPTED TO TRY THE CLEAR NAIL VARNISH ON A COUPLE JUST SIMPLY BECAUSE ITS LESS HASSLE THAN THE TAPING OF COTTON WOOL AND THE SMELL OF VINEGAR. I WILL UPDATE ON HERE.