Supplements for Moles

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Lovebydesign (Oakland, Ca) on 10/29/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks, Suem! I used Cellfood and after about a week of applying regularly, the mole on my face and two on my arm have all peeled easily off.. Amazing! Now, I'm working on healing the skin around and underneath (using MSM cream and coconut oil -- usually w/ a drop or two of an essential oil (tea tree or lavindin for the anti-fungal properties or sea buckthorn for the skin nourishing properties)).. Hopefully they heal beautifully..
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Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 10/08/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I recently bought a bottle of cellfood at my local health food store. I researched the uses and one of the things that they said it did was to remove moles, warts, etc. So after washing my face, I cut off the end of a q-tip and dipped the end in a drop of cellfood. I applied it directly to the moles that I had on my face. Just barely touching the mole with the cellfood, I did this several times during the evening. You have to be very careful as it can burn the surrounding tissue. It blows my mind that this morning two of my moles are gone and after another application tonight, I'm sure the other two will be gone by tomorrow morning. I removed one mole using the ACV method and it took several nights to remove and longer to heal, but this process was amazing. It is also great for burns and small cuts. BUT, there is some burning involved..... Nothing that cannot be tolerated... More like an irritation. I know this is not a cheap product, but what it can do is worth it.